I'm very involved with my sorority. There are a lot of events surrounding traditions such as Homecoming, Veisha, and Greek Week.
Intramurals are very popular on campus! I have played intramural volleyball and am currently in intramural softball and I love it! Its a great way to have fun without being too serious. Its easy with classes. Students in their dorms always left their doors open. I no longer live in the dorms but loved it when I did. If I am awake at 2AM on a Tuesday I'm probably up studying. VEISHA is a great tradition that happens each year. Its a huge thing at ISU. Fraternities and sororities are HUGE at ISU. We have a very big and involved greek system. Last weekend, I went to Relay for Life on Friday night and then went out on Saturday night to a party.
I love ISU and AMES! The social life is amazing.
Greek life is very popular along with participating in certain campus activities such as Dance Marathon and other philanthropic events.
Students don't leave their door open in Eaton, Martin and honors dorms/floors. Greek Life is an amazing way to meet every kind of person you would ever want to know.
Football games are so much fun! Our team may not be the best, but that will never kill the Cyclone pride!! The student section is the best. I have been proud of Iowa State in the types of speakers and events that are available to students on campus. People might picture us in the middle of Iowa, out in the nowhere - but the education and life on campus and in Greekland does not accept that image of being lazy people in the middle of nowhere. Things are quality around here. Greek life is strong, and growing. I am proud to be a part of it! I refer to "Greekland" a lot - it's what a lot of us use to call the area where the Greek houses are. We are all within walking distance of each other, and the area of the houses is directly across campus with the Greek houses close together. So it really feels like a "greek" neighborhood.
The most popular group is the Greek Community. I am involved in a sorority. Students in dorms usually leave their dorms open but not where I live in Martin. Athletic events are the most popular events. The dating seeing is very high; a lot of people have a significant other. I met my closest friends through sorority formal recruitment. Tuesday at 2 AM I would be doing homework. People party usually Thursday to Saturday. Fraternities and sororities are very important. I usually don't go off campus.
Our campus has a very strong Greek community, of which I am a part of. The Greek community is very active on campus with campus events such as Blood Drive, as well as their own philanthropic events. Many of the members of the greek community are also involved in leadership positions on campus such as the Government of the Student Body, many clubs, and organizations. The Greek system is not the stereotypical
I would definitely have to say that the most popular groups on campus are the greek houses. I am involved with Alpha Omicron Pi, and have enjoyed every second of it. I have lived in the dorms for one semester, and while there I did not leave my doors open. I do know of many that have though. I think athletic events are very popular with students, mainly football. Some guest speakers draw a crowd, but I personally never gone to one. I don't know anything about the dating scene, because I have been in a serious relationship for my entire time at ISU. Partying is very prevalent with students.
The most popular groups on campus are probably ones that are athletic related. I think people also join academic groups so that they can put it on there resume, but they probably don't put as much work into those. I'm on the Iowa State Dance Team and I love it.
People often party on Fridays and Saturdays and sometimes Thursday. Greek life is defnitely an important part of Iowa State