Iowa State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Greek life rules. Most greeks are active in many organizations. Philanthropy is also important to many students. The student body is also very physically active and plays intramurals. People tend to party a lot here and the campustown area is the most popular place to be on the weekends starting with FAC.


The Iowa State Greek Community has been the most rewarding and helpful experience of my college career. I have taken on leadership and community service activities that I wouldn't have otherwise participated in. These are the things that are going to help me get a job-not a multiple choice test!


greek community is very involved


I am in a sorority and i love it! I went greek last semester and would encourage any new student to go greek also. Its amazing how many ppl you get to meet and all the opportunities that are available to become more involved on and off campus


Popular Groups on Campus are Fraternities and Sororities, Hip Hop Club, a lot of activities depend on your major they provide many clubs for those.When I lived in the dorms everyone had their door open, but I know not all the halls are like that I met a lot of my closest friends in the dorms and that is how I ended up joining a sorority. And then I've met all my guy friends through greek events, including my boyfriend. Football and Basketball are huge, tickets get sold out very fast. 2am on a Tuesday night I'd be doing homework, Thursday nights are usually the first night of weekend for a lot of students also the bars in ames provide awesome specials on wednesday to attract the crowds. Traditions each year are homecoming, this involves the whole campus and greek land turns it into a competition with many events that have become tradition and the same goes for greek week. Also Veishea is a campus wide HUGE celebration. Also the Varieties show is another fun event that happens yearly. I would say a large portion of students party at LEAST one night a weekend. Last weekend I worked on saturday and then went out saturday night ot a keg with my sorority sisters before goign to the bar. Saturday nights without drinking there are lots of activities to do, we have dollar theatre, also we have a bowling alley in our memorial union.


The group I am most involved with is my sorority. Through that I have met most of my best friends as well as my boyfriend. The Greek Community makes it so easy to get involved on campus whether it is big events such as Homecoming, Greek Week, and Veisha or smaller philantrophies such as Dance Marathon, Relay for Life, and Blood Drive. I do not feel I would be as involved or know as many people if I was not in a chapter. The athletic events are popular, especially football, but as much as other Big 10 schools. Last weekend I participated in Relay for Life and went out to parties with my friends. I also participated in Greek Week tournaments. There are activities such as ISU after-dark for students who want something to do on the weekends that doesn't involve drinking.


Intramurals are a great thing to be involved in, so is the Iowa State Greek Community. The Greek community has lots of tradition and standards that it holds it members too. Fraternities and Sororities fuel activities such as homecoming and VEISHEA. They create lawn displays, floats and banners to show off their school pride, where are general students don't really do anything like that.


The greek system at Iowa State is pretty big I think, although I come from a school where it was pretty much non existent. Mostly everything I'm involved in is through that, as well as friends, dating, and partying. I never lived in the dorms here.


The Greek community is probably the biggest group of students on campus. I was not a part of it last year as a freshman, but now that I became a part of it, I have had so many more great experiences. There are so many other ways to get involved on campus as well with tons of different activities and organizations. Athletic events are probably the most popular events amongst students. If you don't want to go out on the weekends, there are other events available like ISU AfterDark. I prefer to go party because it helps me release the stress from the week and just have fun. I would say partying is pretty common on the weekends. My social life here is amazing and I just hope it keeps getting better.


Greek life is huge here making it so much fun. The activities are student wide and every month there seems to be a large event where the whole campus can come together. Tailgating is a blast and I always feel welcome where ever I am at on campus or off!