Athletic events are definitely the most popular on this campus, however, other clubs and organizations hold events once or twice a year that are very popular.
Always something to do!
I am involved in the Blood Drive. It is one of the largest student run organizations in the Midwest. I am part of the Design/Tech committee. I help create the letterheads, flyers, posters, t-shirts, and get equipment such as TVs, projectors and screens. It may not be the hardest job, but it does involve a lot of work and there are also about 10 other committees within the Blood Drive Organization that work even harder. We work hard to make the Blood Drive a success and hopefully save millions of lives from the blood donated by our awesome Iowa State students, their families, staff and faculty.
There are tons of ways to get involved on campus. There's clubs, lectures at the MU, an award winning Greek system, inter murals, and much more. There's also plenty to do on a Saturday night whether you're into drinking or not.
On a Saturday night, things that don't involve drinking are basketball games, bowling, movies, plays, concerts, all kinds of stuff! I am very involved with my sorority and drinking is not one of our big pasttimes. We have a lot of other fun things we can do together without involving alcohol.
Greek life is pretty dominant. I would have not enjoyed my experience this year at Iowa State if I were not in a sorority. I LOVE GREEK LIFE, GIVE IT A TRY YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! The most popular sport here by far is Football! Everyone goes to the football games, or at least tailgates before!! People here party a lot, you can probably find someone partying here everynight, but until youre 21 it is only house parties (because the bars are super strict about ID's). House parties get old and boring after awhile.
Athletics are a lot of fun, even when we don't win. Football tailgates are huge and a majority of the student population attends. Drinking is definately an option that many partake in (there are plently of bars and house parties) but there is also a pretty sizable group of people that don't drink. I have met most of my friends through student involvement and the Greek Community. The Greek community is a very strong and safe one at ISU, where students are interested in leadership, philanthropy, freindship, and personal growth. The students involved in the Greek community tend to be the majority of student leaders on campus. There are also strict no hazing polocies at ISU, that every chapter takes extremely serious!!
I'm only involved in Delta Sigma Pi. I didn't want to stretch myself thin by being involved in too many activities. I love being involved with DSP because it gets me involved with campus.
ClubFest is a great way to get involved in many activities. VEISHEA is also huge and there is nothing else like it. Period. There is a parade and several demonstrations, bands, food, and just a huge celebration. It's something everyone looks forward to. When you live in the dorms some floors are extremely social and do crazy things like have Nerf wars. Other floors may tend to be quiet so there is a variety. Football is a huge thing here and there is always something going on at CY Stephens or Fisher Theater.
There are also a lot of folklores about finding love at ISU. I even found my boyfriend here. We met freshman year when some group on campus was having their kickoff. We've been together for 3 years! But through that time we've shared romantic moments like watching fireworks on central campus, campaniling, and even mass camponiling.
Greek activities are the mainly what i am involved with. i am also in a learning community. we go to plays together and study for common classes. If i'm awake at 2am on a tuesday i am doing homework, or on facebook. Last weekend i went out with friends for a birthday on friday and saturday it was moms weekend at my sorority. off campus i go shopping or go out to eat or go to movies.