There is really nothing that makes this univerisity bad. But more foreign language classes would be helpful. I'd like to learn Latin.
There are huge class sizes in the lower level classes. This is particularly bad but it does make it hard to get help from the teacher in a class that big. There is almost always things that help you outside of class that the university puts on.
I am new to Iowa State University, and I have only experienced a small section of the campus. I wouldn't say there is a "worst" thing, but something I don't particularly enjoy is the unclear options of majors in the College of Design. I feel like I would have a more solid direction that I am headed in had I been explained the difference between majors instead of being pushed and encouraged into the Bachelor of Design major.
In my opinion, the worst thing about my school is the size. At a school where you're just one of 30,000+ students, it's very easy to get lost in the crowd, especially if you're not one to advocate for yourself. Of course, it does provide a great learning atmosphere to become aquainetd with the real world; as an adult, you have to make yourself recognized by people in order to be successful in your career.
I love Iowa State, so it's hard to pick a worst thing. But if I had to think of something it would be the lack of food choices. You can get sick of the dining hall food really fast, and there's nothing else to eat with a meal plan. It also feels really unhealthy.
The dining centers play the most obnoxious music, and they're expensive (but the food's really nice).
It's in Iowa, so the weather is ridiculously cold at times. Most days during the winter I have to wear a coat and hat, otherwise I'm extremely miserable.
The worst thing about my school is the bus systems. Since our campus is so big student rely on the bus transportation system. The problem is the buses don't circulate often enough which is really unfortunate during the cold winter months. They are also always jam packed with students and the drivers look about twenty years old and make frequent abrupt stops.
The worst thing is that it is in a "small town" that is surrounded by farm land, so it is always really windy. Even though we are in the middle of Iowa, often times you would think we are in Minnesota because of the weather!
The larger classes are lectured with professors. Then if there is any addition to the class (lab or other), it is taught by a teaching assistant. Any smaller classes are taught by teaching assistants as well. The hardest part about this is the teaching assistants do not all speak very clearly (in English).