I think the worst thing about Iowa State is the size. It is a very large school both in size and in number of students. Coming from a small town, this made me step out of my comfort zone, which seemed bad at first!
The worst thing about this school, is the campus design and how it is with personal transportation to and from campus. The parking on/near campus is pretty horrible.
No reciprocity between Minnesota and Iowa
The worst thing about Iowa State University has to be the weather. Winter in Iowa is so cold, walking around on campus can be a nightmare during January and Febuary.
The worst thing about Iowa State would be our football team and the overcrowding in residence halls due to increased enrollment. The football team obvious changes over the years and will hopefully play better with the additioinal new coaches and players. The university and city of Ames are working on adding more student apartment buildings to increase the housing availability.
The worse thing about Iowa State are the school's charges. They have outrageous charges then students like myself rarely get any financial aid to help pay for school. To add insult to injury, they convinced me that my two scholarships were full rides when they aren't, instead they gave me loans I had no idea that I had.
One of the things I would consider the worst about my school is the some of the activies require a fee charge to be part of it. coming from a low income family it is very hard for me to keep up with the schools tuition and personal bills. I would like become part of more schools programs and acitivites. I am happy although that the school does offer many programs that are at no charge.
The worst thing is the lack of diversity. The university it making a tremendous effort to bring in more multicultural students however, currently the diversity is lacking. Also, the lack on housing is becoming quite a problem.
The worst thing about my school, and the most frustrating thing, is the low amount of scholarships/financial aid available to those of us who are not considered "minorities". I have friends who are classified as a minority who have full ride scholarships as a result, while I am a white female working 3 jobs (at the momement, over 45 hours a week in addition to 21 credits) and searching for a 4th job just so I can stay in school.
There isn't much to complain about, but sometimes the distance from one class to another can be far for the time in between classes.