In my opinion the worst thing about my school would be the dorm rooms, since I believe that it could have been better according to my own expectations, but that's is really all I can think of. This is not really a complaint, but the only expectation that wasn't met for me.
I consider the bus systems to be the worst thing about my school. It is a wonderful thing to have a large bus system that go all over campus and the surrounding area, but when you live in the Towers residence halls there is only one bus route that will get you there and that bus comes every twenty minutes, if you're lucky. There are some days where there is no bus at all or it is so full that you are late for class. If certain routes came more frequently, the bus system here would be great.
I believe the worst thing about my university the cost. It is difficult for the average American to afford their education when paying for it themselves. In addition to your studies, clubs, and activities related to your major, it is hard to find a job that will support you and fit into your schedule! Loans are offered, but when you first get out of college, you need an excellent job to be able to pay these loans in a reasonable amount of time!
Sometimes it is overcrowded at the dining centers during lunch hour.
Sometimes the lecture halls can be pretty overwelming with the amount of students in the course. I only had a few big lecture hall classes my freshman year, but as you are further in your program the classes become smaller and more "high-school" like. I advise sitting towards the front in those big courses.
The size of the classes not getting one on one attention from the teachers. Another item is having so many people it is difficult to hang out with the same people.
The worst part of Iowa State University is the student to teacher ratio and the number of courses provided. I believe that for students to truly enjoy their college experience and to get the most out for their money and time, they should be able to take the courses that best fit into their future goals and they should have a better relationship with their professors. If students had a better teacher to student ratio, they would most likely succeed more in their courses and would be more likely to ask questions outside of class.
The only real drag on campus would be my living arangements. Incredibly hot for the first month, fridged temperatures later on, then once the heat is turned on in burning heat again. I live in an incredibly small room with no temperature control!
When I first arrived at ISU, I was completely overwhelmed: the campus was huge, I did not make friends easily, and I found myself alone much of the time. My only consolation was that my career path was absolutely defined: I was going to be a tax accountant. In high school, I managed straight A's in the two-year accounting program, and I felt supremely confident that I would excell here as well. I changed my major twice within the first year. By year's end, I wasn't sure I was college material - but I stayed the course!
With all of the positive characteristics of Iowa State, the worst possible thing about Iowa State is the internet connection, which is a vey small negative trait if ask me. ISU is continuing to grow in both size and number of students. From a student's perspective, I understand thousands of students would like to use the same internet at similar times of the day. I would greatly appreciate better connection in each of the residence halls, because for the most part, the network works wonderfully in the library and classrooms.