It is very competitive for jobs because of the high number of engineers. But it doesn't stop everybody from being friendly and polite about it.
There is not anything bad about iowa state except the cold winters they have, besides that its a great school.
The worst thing about my school is that it's so large! Both in size and the number of people who go to it. My high school had 250 people in it, and I knew almost every single person who went to it. At Iowa State, there will be 3000+ people there. When walking through a crowd, I'll be lucky if I see somebody I recognize, much less know personally. This whole aspect of impersonality will make things much harder at college. If I do something wrong, it will seem as if nobody cares.
The worst thing about my school is the amount of school scholarshiips offered to out of state students.
The roommate pairings. They never had us take a survey or answer any questions about ourselves so that when they paired us up with a roommate that we got someone compatible to us. Unfortunately, beacuse of this, I was stuck with someone very very unfit for me.
The worst thing is finding where you belong because there are so many options. The campus is huge and the community is even larger however as difficult as it is to select the right club to be in or the right community to be involved in, there are people are there willing to help you on your journey. Iowa State is as big or as small as you make it so don't be afraid to step out on a limb and take a step towards your success and happiness on campus.
Many of the professors do not have any background in education so they are learning how to teach their subject. I consider this the worst part because it means you have to spend more time on your own teaching yourself how to do the coursework.
The worst thing about my school would be the size. Iowa is home to many small towns, so it can be difficult in transitioning into a huge school like Iowa State. It makes you feel like you are only a number sometimes. I do understand that this really cannot be helped and the school does do a great job at making people feel like they count.
The worst thing about Iowa State University is the off campus VEISHEA activities. The on campus activities are an absolute blast, and also a tradition, but it encourages people outside of Ames to come to Ames to drink excessively and start riots. It has caused harm to multiple students and has also resulted in the damage of thousands of dollars worth of property in Ames.
The worst part about college in general is coming here thinking that highschool prepared me well enough to adjust well here. The worst part was realizing that it was much harder than I expected and since it changes every semester it definitely hasn't gotten easier to adjust. My advice is to take it all in and ask your teachers specifically about college and don't just hope that what they are doing as a whole will help you in college.