I love Iowa State University and the diversity of the people here. The size is great, so you can meet a new person everyday, and it is a beautiful campus!
To me ISU has a place for everyone in every major. I'm involved in Greek Life and for me that is the big picture that goes along with my kinesiology major, which is offered through an amazing program
Iowa State is a great place to go to school. I come from the Chicago suburbs, so it's definitely a drastic change...but the people and country are friendly and down to earth. I'm proud of the traditions at Iowa State. I have a lot of family history not only with the school but the Greek system as well, and I can say that I am glad to say I belong to both. The administration is always looking for ways to improve student life. My adviser knows me - I'm not a number, and I don't have to remind her what my name is. She is always easy to contact and patient with endless, helpful resources. The only thing I would change is that I miss more of the busy city life...but that is something that I was ok not being around for 4 years if it meant I got to have the experiences I did at Iowa State.
Iowa State it the perfect size. I spend a lot of my time in my dorm, sorority house, and library. Iowa State's administration is great and are always very helpful. Iowa State's school pride is very powerful especially in the Greek Community. When I tell people that I go to Iowa State I always get positive remarks.
I think that Iowa State is the perfect size. In fact, it is quite large with about 26,000 students, however, in the town you would never know it. The town has a very small feel to it, not as in it is 'backwards' just that the town is a college town. The school feels very safe, peaceful, and is beautiful.
The campus is beautiful and the people welcoming and friendly. The teachers are easily accessible and more than willing to help. I'll never forget my first day. I was extremely nervous and worried about how I would do. I have proved over the years that this fear was misplaced. I have had no problems keeping up with school work and maintaining the lifelong friendships that I have made.
The best thing about Iowa State is its traditions. Veishea, especially, has been one of the best kept tradition. Traditions regarding the campanille, Lake Laverne and the Zodiac in the Memorial Union are also unique to Iowa State. When I first came to ISU, I was so impressed with how nice and helpful everyone was on campus. Everyone was very friendly.
I would like there to be a nicer and bigger campus town with stuff to do. Also, it would be nice if the bars and clubs were 19 and older so that more people would have stuff to do.
Students mostly complain about there being nothing to do around here.
I like our central campus's beautiful and convenient.
I think Iowa State is just the right size. Some people react as if Iowa State is awesome and I'm getting a great education and others think i'm less human for choosing it. Lots of college kids are like that. It's more of a college part and a not college part. i love how campus is separate from the rest of the town.
I love how there are so many opportunities to get involoved on campus. I think Iowa State is just the right size. Even though over 25,000 people attend this college, once you get your set group of friends, this campus seems so much smaller. When I tell other people that I go to Iowa State, they usually shrug their shoulders and tell me that I should have went to Iowa. Personally, I think Iowa State is an awesome college and I think it has a really good education program. To be honest, I spend a lot of time in my dorm Maple and at my sorority.