Iowa State University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Iowa State University?

Is Iowa State University a good school?

What is Iowa State University known for?


I absolutely loved my time at ISU...I really wish I could go back! It made me feel very much at home, I was able to get involved in the things I wanted to, and campus...oh wow...if the campus wasnt so amazing, I dont think I would have enjoyed it as much. I live 30 minutes away from Iowa City and so many people have asked me why I didnt go there. Besides the fact it was too close to home, I told them the campus. It means a lot to me when deciding on schools. I didnt want to have to drive everywhere and I wanted to feel safe when I went out. I loved that I felt safe and could walk everywhere I needed to be when I was at ISU. And I think the thing I'm going to miss the most come this spring is those lazy days on Central Campus. It was so nice to sit out there and take a break and enjoy the sound of the campanile. Tell me, can anyone at Iowa do that!? Didnt think so....


Ames is a definate college town, which I loved. I think the school is beautiful, and really enjoyed my experiences there. The only thing I wish I would have known about was more of the programs they offered. I probably would have picked a different major if I had.


ISU is a great size school with opportunities to meet a lot of people and gain a great education


I loved that ISU has such a great civil engineering program. That is why I choose to go to ISU. There isn't much of a college town. When I was going to school there wasn't many things to do. Not too many places to go out to eat, shop, galleries etc. I wish there would have been more non drinking activities to do.


One of the best things is the school spirit! It is amazing and it creats a tightly knit community that I love! If I could change anything it would be cancelling classes on days with pouring rain or insane snow that makes going to class a drag. I LOVE the size of the school. It is absolutely perfect! It is big enough that you can be anonymous when you want to be, but you still run into people that you know pretty regularily. People don't have much of a reaction when I say I go to Iowa State unless they have some sort of connection with the school. I spend most of my time on campus in class. Other than that, I like to be in my room. College town. I don't have much of an opinion on ISU's administration. The biggest recent controversy on campus is definitely the VEISHEA wristbands - SO dumb. Why exclude 2/3 of the students? There is an amazing amount of school pride!! The beautiful campus makes Iowa State unusual. I will always remember being in a sorority! I love it! The most frequent student complaints are the dinning center food, and the PARKING TICKETS!!!


The best thing about ISU is the atmosphere. It's a great learning place where the teachers as well as the students really want to help you succeed. The school spirit is evident and makes activities most enjoyable! The greek life is another one of my favorite parts of the school. There isn't anything that I can think of that I would change about ISU. The school is the perfect size for me not to large or too small it's easy to walk around and find places on campus. Most of my time is spent in the buildings that I have classes in as well as at the library where most of my studying gets done and at the UDCC where I can meet up with friends on campus and enjoy a meal. One thing I will always remember is formal recruitment in August for the sorority. I met so many great girls that continue to be great friends of mine!


The school itself I think is fantastic. However, it would be much better suited in a different town. Ames is too small, too rural, too conservative. I was in town last summer while classes weren't in session and it was a completely different feel. I hated it. But in all honesty, its Iowa. You don't get much besides small and podunk... And this is coming from a life-time (so far) Iowa resident.


The campus is the best part


The scenery is amazing. Beautiful big trees, beautiful big buildings with great architecture. The size of campus is perfect, not too big or too small. The amount of students is perfect. Most of my time on campus is spent at class and at the library. There are many, many traditions, which makes it unique to be a cyclone :)


campanille, sorority, intramurals