Iowa State University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Iowa State University?

Is Iowa State University a good school?

What is Iowa State University known for?


I like the size and how safe you feel on campus. I spend time at my sorority and in my dorm room. I also spend alot of time at the library. I think there is a lot of school pride. something i will always remember is my expierence being greek it has been so much fun. i always hear the students complaining about the weather and walking to class.


Iowa State University is located in Ames, Iowa. Many people here would say that its too small and not enough things to do around here (compared to Iowa City, where Univ. of Iowa is located). Ames is a small town, so where school isn't in session is pretty lonely. Many students go home for breaks instead of staying around town. The best thing about ISU is we have sooo many clubs and organizations you can join. The first week of school there is a club fair where all the organizations meet in our Memorial Union. Iowa State is known for the amount of clubs we have available on campus. Another great thing about our school is VEISHA. Its the coming together of the 7 colleges are campus. Its a week long event where we showcase and take pride in our university. One thing I would change would be parking. It is horrible the amount of parking spots on campus. Also be careful where you park though. Iowa State University has a great reputation for giving out tickets. The average students gets about $125 a year in parking tickets.