I like the size of Iowa State. Ames is a fun college town. Right now the biggest controversy at ISU is the VIESHA wristband policy. Unfortunately, the VIESHA committee doesn't have enough money to support the crappy bands that they have chosen for this year's entertainment and are going to charge Iowa State students, faculty, and staff 5 dollars for a wristband in order to get into the "free concerts". No big deal it's only $5, right? Well here's the kicker, they are only selling 7,000 wristbands (first come first serve) and they are moving the concerts to a small area to limit the number of people who can attend. They did this in order to "control crowds". Well as you most likely know, there are more than 7,000 students attending ISU, who like to bring their non-ISU friends to the VIESHA concerts.
ISU was very large and confusing to me when I first came here, which is kind of strange because I transferred from the University of Iowa (which is just as big). However, by getting involved in my sorority and taking a variety of classes I've gotten to know many faces. I've also been reconnected with a lot of people from my high school and it's nice to be able to walk around campus on any given day and see someone you know. That never happened when I was at UofI! Oh, and students complain about everything. Get used to it.
i couldnt choose just one thing, there are so many awesome things about isu! the campus is just amazing, the people everywhere are nice and generous, the greek system is so fun and great and i've never seen so much pride and spirit when it comes to sports!
this size is perfect i think. when i tell ppl i go here they seem proud and like, wow she goes to a big well known school, i wish i went there!! i spend most of my time on my dorm floor.
Iowa State's campus is just the right size for me. I feel that I can get anywhere by a short walk, or by taking CyRide. I like how Lincoln Way is almost the dividing line between campus and campustown. It shows students that fun is seperate from school. I think one of the biggest memories I have from this year is the win from the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game. Our student section has crazy support and it was awesome to see everyone rush the field in spite of the amazing win.
The best thing about iowa state is the beautiful campus! However, if it were possible, I'd change the HARSH winters. I'm from IL, but there is something about AMES that just just way colder! When I tell people I go to Iowa State, a lot of them get it confused with university of iowa.. and a lot of people assume that I'm either a design or engineer major! I think Iowa state is too large for a town like Ames; there is no life outside of campus and "campustown" (the very small downtown area with bars and nightlife entertainment). There is a ton of school pride here, which is why we won The Most Dominant Mascot on Earth in 2007.
The best thing about Iowa State is the Greek community. Going Greek is one of the best decisions I've ever made. It's a great way to meet so many ambitious people and get involved throughout campus. It's an opportunity to get connected with people like you! I've made my best friends by joining a sorority. Many of these girls I would have never met anyways.
Iowa State is great because there is so much open green space. It's such a pretty campus! Walking to class is like walking through a park. It also doesn't give you the feeling of being in a huge city where there are buildings everywhere and no grass in sight.
I would say the dynamic is the best thing about Iowa State. There are so many things to get involved in and do we also have a very supportive faculty and staff. I think that the size is perfect, it is big enough to offer univeristy level sports and student activities but there is still individual attention with professors and academic resources. Campus is BEAUTIFUL and not too spread out, which is really nice. ISU also has a very healthy and positive Greek Community in which academics and community service are high.
Veishea is just a great celebration by students and alumni filled with a parade, music, and an overall fun time had by all.
I can't think of one thing that is the best thing about ISU. Put a Starbucks and a Quiznos on campus, and lower the prices at the Business Cafe. Most people think that it's great that I'm a Cyclone and working at the same time, trying to get my degree. I spend most of my time at Gerdin since my business fraternity meets there, and 3 out of 4 of my classes are there. So far ISU's administration has been very helpful to me. I had lots of problems with the administration at UNI, so I was very grateful and happy when I didn't encounter those problems here. The biggest controversy on campus recently was whether or not to supply campus security with guns. I don't remember any other than that being that big. There is tons of school pride especially during the ISU - Iowa football game. I have never felt so proud to be a Cyclone when we surprised everyone by winning. There's really nothing unusual about ISU; it's a university, you should expect diversity. The one experience I'll always remember is getting my car towed at last year's VEISHEA. That won't happen this year. The most frequent student complaints are the prices for food on campus and that there's hardly any parking available. Lighten up on the parking tickets why don't you.
Iowa State has a lot of pride, especially seen when we are playing against Iowa. Our fans are also much more down to earth and not as cocky as Iowa fans. Iowa State has a unique feel. It's a big school but Ames is small enough to have a small town community and everything you need is in Ames.
One complaint about Iowa State is that the bars are for those 21 and up so if you are into that scene if you are underage then you have to wait it out or go elsewhere. However, it is nice not having all those annoying underagers at the already crowded bars. The university tries to put together activities on weekends for students as an alternative to going out and partying. There are Free Friday Flicks, plays, craft nights, billiards and bowling at the Underground, among many other things. It's a great way to meet people.