Iowa State University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Iowa State University?

Is Iowa State University a good school?

What is Iowa State University known for?


Lots and Lots of Fun. I miss it every day and wish I could go back. I made so many life long friends and really grew into a person that I am proud to be.


Iowa State has a beautiful campus and is known for their architecture. At Iowa State, we have Veisha which is a celebration of the different majors at ISU. The week consists of BBQs on campus, tournaments, speakers, musical performances, and a parade. It is one of my favorite times at Iowa State and is something I will always come back to visit.


I really enjoyed ISU. Curriculum was average or better. I liked the college town. I was in a sorority and found a community there. I thought the size was just right. When I attended there was school pride evidenced in Veisha.


Iowa State is a large school with a small town feel. It's nice for those coming from out of state without any friends or family for miles. The Greek Community is extremely welcoming and gave those of us far from home a new one.


Iowa State has a beautiful campus. I would eliminate smoking in the bars.


Iowa State campus is beautiful and Ames is the perfect size college town. I wish the athletics were a little better - football and basketball, but there is a lot of school pride. Tailgating is awesome and there are a lot of fun traditions at Iowa State that make it unique. There is something for everyone at the school.


I am originally from the Chicago area. In 1988/89 when I was deciding where to attend I knew I wanted a larger school for architecture and looked at a lot of the typical ones my friends were going to - Notre Dame, university of Michigan, University of Illinois - Champaign-Urbana. Neither really felt quite right, but I had pretty much decided to go to University of Ill. On a whim I asked to go see Iowa State. The minute I walked on campus for the visit, I fell in love and felt like I belonged. The campus was beautiful and the people were terrific. In addition, I later found out that my parents, who were with me, knew it was the right place for me. The people they spoke with while I was doing my things were helpful, respectful and re-assuring about the topics they had questions/concers they had about attending school 6 hours away. I lived in the dorms for my first two years, in a sorority the next two and off campus during the summers from my sophomore year on and during my 5th/senior year. The Towers, which were residence halls not even shown on the campus map when I attended, were a blast. When I first received my room assignment I was extremely upset b/c it was so far away from campus and not even on the map, but once I got there, I would not change it for the world. You have your own little world out there and it is not as far away from campus as it seems. There is a lot of school pride and many, many activities for students to participate in.


Iowa State is a vibrant school with students from many backgrounds who are studying various disciplines. Iowa State draws very talented students and produces alums who go on to be leaders in their fields. One of the best things about ISU is the beautiful campus and the Campanile. Other great assets are the people and VEISHEA, which showcases the school. Ames is a phenomenol college town that supports the university. Campus town is vibrant and easily accessible. Students strongly support the extra curricular activities. I'll always remember being an usher at Hilton and feeling the basketball court floor vibrate from all the noise of the crowd.


You know the saying "hindsight is 20/20"? Well, luckily, my foresight in picking ISU was just as precise as 20/20 hindsight. The class sizes were large in the beginning of my business curriculum, but that forced students to work harder and the cream rose to the top. When we got to more specialized areas of study, class sizes decreased. At every level, the professors were just as interested and would invest just as much time as the student. The one thing


VEISHEA is a great event for incoming students, current students and alumni. It exemlifies what Iowa State colleges are all about.