Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Iowa State University?


The most frustration thing about my school is the parking tickets and the difficulty of the homework assignments and exams.


Paying for school. Fasfa doesn't have a section to bubble in for my life situation. Our family fits the income sufficiently, but what I can't describe is that we send half of that income back to Bosnia because our families are starving there is still much poverty back home. I am blessed to be here in America and to be going to this school for architecture, Iowa State is one of the top ranked architecture schools in the nation so I can't complain it’s a great program.




the most frustrating thing here at ISU is that sometimes the professors don't teach their subject matter the best they can, and some of the exams are challenging compared to homework problems and in class problems.


This is a hard question to answer because I am struggling coming up with something that frustrates me about Iowa State University. The thing that frustrates me the most is the six hour drive that I have to make to get to school. Other than this I really don't think anything else frustates me.


Coming from Florida, for me, it's the weather. The ice and snow and cold is not something that I am used to...along with all the clothes that come along with the weather!!


The most frustrating component of ISU is the parking situation. There is virtually no parking on the campus. There bus system is great but it wastes a lot of time everyday (min of 1 hour).


The most frustrating thing about my school is the weather of out location. The winters here are very brutal and cold. It makes it difficult to get around in the winter to go to class or other necessary places.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the snow removal service. With Iowa weather, there needs to be someone who can clear sidewalks and streets after a huge storm, so students can walk to class safely every day. I have fallen before, and watched so many people fall I can't even count them. Walking to class should never be a dangerous experience.


My particular dorm isn't air conditioned.