Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Iowa State University?


The most frustrating thing would have to be the size of the campus. It seems so big to me since iI came from a small town and it was somewhat hard to get used to. I don't like having to park my car a mile away from my dorm and walk thirty minutes to an 8 a.m. class. Other than that, I don't find anything frustrating about Iowa State University.


The most frustrating thing about Iowa State would be getting a hold and making an appointment with either a professor or an advisor. Since there are many studients in attendence, and teachers are so bussy they cannot always meet with you at desirable times.


The amount of conservatives


TOO MANY FOREIGN PROFESSORS! Class sizes are WAY too large as well. Accounting has 1000 students divided into 3 sections. I feel like I've learned nothing in thtat class!


The most frustrating thing was adjusting to my roomate. We hated each other but luckily I was able to move with ease.


Extremely high cost of out-of-state tuition. I live in MN and Iowa doesn't have reciprocity.


Can't think of anything.


The rising prices of everything although every school seems to be raising their prices. For full-time students who want to focus on their school work and club involvement but need to work to pay for tuition and such, it makes focus waver a bit.


There is the occasional person who does not feel they need to pull their weight for a group project. This can put more strain on the other group members to accomplish the project.


The only frustrating thing about Iowa State University is the cost for childcare. It's not really Iowa State, its everywhere, but ISU's childcare is actually a touch more expensive than other places.