Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had more preparation on how to learn will limiting teaching. I rarely opened a textbook in high school to get a good grade and didn't expect to read so much to get my grades in high school. I also wish I had better procrastination skills because I'm always distracted and wish I could fight it.


Before coming to Iowa State, I wish I would have known more about the program of study I was about to enter. Additionally, I wish I had evaluated my own personal interests more critically. Had I known more about the program and the career I would have to pursue after graduation, I would most likely have chosen a different path much sooner in my academic career.


I wish I would have known just how big it was, sometimes you look around and there are so many people it can be overwheleming.


i want to get CPA in this university. cause i choose accounting major.


I wish I had known about more of the majors offered at Iowa State University. I have already changed majors to something I was more interested in than what I had originally planned to study here. I also wish I would have had more information regarding the requirements for each major. Most importantly, I wish I would have known more about all the student organizations offered here at Iowa State. I would have liked to be presented with the opportunity to join before I started classes.


How important applying for scholarships is.


I wish I had known exactly which classes would transfer from the college in my hometown. I took college classes during high school, and would have taken more if I had known they transferred.


It's easy to overtextend yourself and get involved with too many things.


I wish I would have known about the wide variety of excellent majors offered at Iowa State. ISU is generally known for being an engineering school, but they also have fabulous programs in business, agriculture, and all sorts of sciences. I was able to find a one of a kind program that combines my interests in the social sciences and healthcare while working towards a career in the global sphere.


This question can't really be answered and understood in 100 words. I would have done things differently at my community college though before transferring to ISU.