Really nothing. I pretty much just live my life day by day. If there was something that I didn't know about the school and just learned about the opportunity, then chances are that I'm not the only one who never knew. My advice is live each day with an optimistic attitude and you'll always be happy. This advice goes for everyday life too.
I wish I had known how to socialize better before I came to Iowa State. This is a big campus and even though I know everyone on my floor I don't know many people inside the classrooms. My previous high school had less than 150 students. This college has thousands of students. Therefore it was an overwhelming experience and took some time getting used to.
I wish I had known where the majority of my classes were, so I could have picked a closer dorm.
There isn't anything that I feel was left out when I applied to the school. There's nothing specific that I wish I would have known coming to Iowa State because everything was clearly laid out when I applied. All the advisors for my major were very helpful when I had any questions about the school or the major and I enjoyed getting to know them all and getting to know the school.
To be honest, nothing. I think that it was great to get to find out about the school on my own and to have to make the effort to get involved with clubs and meet new people.
I wish that I had known that I wanted to be an anthropology major before I came here! The professors are AMAZING in my major. They have all traveled around the world and seen amazing things that I hope to see someday! One of the professors of anthropology is Jill Pruetz, who is very well known for her research on chimpanzees. Its great to have a falcuty so passionate about their work!
How big of ass's University of Iowa fans can be to us.
I wish I would have known how to do my laundry before I came to this school. Yes, I am typical university student.
That they wouldn't give as much money as they say they will; There are tons of jobs there, but even more people, so you have to work super quickly to get even a remotely good job on campus (for work study) or off campus.
Before attending this school I wish I had known that it wouldn't all be easy. I wish I would have known that I would fall down once or twice, but that all that mattered was to get back up, dust myself off, and try again.