Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I looked into most aspects of the university before I attended, so there was very little I was unfamiliar with.


I wish I would have known more about the vast social networking opportunities avalable to students. It seems it takes about two years at ISU to get a firm grasp on all of the opportunities available, at which point if feels as though you have lost out on many of those opportunities which you were previously unaware of. Better educating prospective and incoming students of all of the social networking opportunities available will better prepare them to take advantage of these opportunities, and not lose out on any potential experiences that they could benefit from.


I wish I knew how much help was available!


I wish I knew more about the bus system before coming here.


I wish I would have known how hard some of the courses are compared to a community college or high school.


I wish I would have know how many people of color went here.


That this school deals with a lot of agricultural students that come from small towns that deal with farms. Most of the kids here have hobbies such as hunting.


I wish I had known how to really use the Internet to my advantage before entering Iowa State University. There are so many resources available through the Internet. While helping my stepson with his math homework, I found many credible web sites that clearly explained the concepts that we did not understand. I was not a stranger to the internet by any means, but using it as a study-aide was new. Many publishing companies offer online resources to supplement their textbooks. I plan to use those this fall when I enter Iowa State University.


How cold it can get in the winter. Degree requirments that could have been met in high school.


The university here is hurting financially. I wouldn't say that they are doing it on purpose, but it seems like they are doing everything they can to squeeze every last penny out of the students here. For example, the dining plans are set up in a way that the normal dining plan is much more expensive than an analogous plan. Instead of the faculty taking a hit or cutting a program, they put the financial burdens on the students, which was evidenced by the recent Spring '10 Tuition Surcharge.