Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Through high school, I got easy A's, but at college I'm finding that I actually have to read my textbooks and that studying is vital to doing well on exams. I was expecting college to be difficult, but I am finding that the studying is much more in depth than I'm used to. I also was surprised that I met so many new people so quickly!


How to study and prepare for tests. In high school I never really had to study much for anything. Having that mentality really burned me my first year and it really took a hit on my GPA. Now that I know what I have to do I am not as worried about my classes and am able to focus a lot easier.


I wish I would have known more about my finances before coming to this school. I pay out of state tuition to go here, and it is very expensive, but completely worth it.


Before coming to Iowa State University I wish someone would have told me to take advantage of every opportunity to get involved, even if it's something small and seemingly insignificant. It opens the doors to so many chances to grow in leadership, experience, maturity. It's also a great way to establish a sense of community at Iowa State University and make it feel like home, it makes the transition into college so much easier.


How to balance everything out


I wish I would’ve done more work on researching internship opportunities. At Iowa State it is mandatory for my major in Apparel Merchandising to find an internship out of Iowa. I have to do the internship this summer so researching the different companies for possible internships is really taking away from my studies. I wish I would’ve spent more time beforehand researching that way I would be more prepare now than what I am.


Go to every meet-and-greet thing you can when you first get here. You will meet people you will be friends with for the next four years.


Nothing more than I already did. It was very welcoming.


I wish I would have looked into the scholarship opportunities more before getting here. I have to attend my first semester with a student loan and now I have realized how many financial opportunities there are here.


High school classes do not adequately prepare you for the amount of work you need to do for college classes, especially in the engineering major.