Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known which career path I was intending to follow so that I would have been able to finish my undergraduate degree quicker.


I guess the only thing I didn't know was how bad Iowa State is in sports. They're pretty bad.


I wish I would have known that being a graphic design student, they prefer mac computers. My mom bought a nice pc computer for me when I graduated high school and I still had to go out any buy a new Mac computer, which emptied my bank account for my second year at school, on my own.


Just more about all the things it offers. Sometimes I don't really get involved with stuff until I'm older because I don't know it's even available.


I wish I'd have known how easy it really is to adjust to college life at ISU. I was so scared of adjusting that I actually made things harder on myself than it had to be. There is help everywhere on campus.


I wish I had known how stinkin' cold it gets in Ames in the winter. I grew up in Iowa, so I'm used to the cold, but Ames seems to be about 10 degrees colder in the winter with more wind that any surrounding area.


that i had to park so far away from my dorm.


How hard I would have to work at it.


How much the tuition was going to go up.


I wish I had been able to attend an orientation program, so I could view the campus and not have to struggle to figure out where things were and how to get to them. I felt unprepared because I didn't have time to go to orientation.