The fall 2020 acceptance rate for J Sargeant Reynolds Community College is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I would say to myself that education is im portant and you should work very hard if you want to be successsful in life.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
You get to set your class schedule around your work schedule. It's cheaper, and it's easier to transfer to a 4 year university through community college. It's a money saver.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
I don't like the prices of text books and food in the cafeteria because its too expesnsive especially in this economy.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
J Sargeant Reynolds is a perfect stepping stone for a person wishing to get a degree who might not have the funds to do so at a university and a great place to pursue a career in a tech field that a university does not provide.
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Describe the students at your school.
My fellow classmates at JSRCC are dedicated and mature, but they know how to have fun as well. I find them to be more supportive and knowledgable about life than my fellow undergraduate students at my former four-year college.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
How friendly and helpful they were to help you get to the classes you need to get. They are willing to help you in any way possible to help you achieve your dreams and goals.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
It is known, in the area, a good place to take classes in fields that a four university wont provide.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
The student body is actually there to learn, not to socialize or drink or waste time. Most students are single parents, working adults, members of the military, or individuals whose financial situations have limited their educational opportunities. Personally, I chose this college because my family couldn't afford the other schools to which I was accepted - a common reason why many students choose to attend community colleges instead of 4-year institutions.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Only a highly motivated person should attend this school. Students are on their own in many ways. Unlike many four-year colleges, this school is not a "party school"., and therefore students do not come her to party. They come here to learn and get their degress. The students here are all highly motivated individuals trying to move forward either in their academic future or their career.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The administration is inefficient, incompetent, lazy, and completely unconcerned with student affairs. Most of the staff are not familiar with college policies and procedures; instead of offering explanations or guidance to students with questions about college policies, they refer students to someone else or simply don't reply. It takes an inordinate amount of effort just to get the college to follow the procedures outlined in its own handbook.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
I do not really know
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I feel that while it does have its downsides (faculty), it is a decent college. I would recommend it to high school students whether their focus is on seeking a degree or entering the workforce early
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What's unique about your campus?
Its convinently close to my place of residence, the classes are small and the professors give you some one on one time during their office hours.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
I would say if you don't like big shools with big number of students in class this is the way to go. If the person need financial needs, wants to be closer to home is the kind of person i would say should attend a community college.
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