James Madison University Top Questions

Describe the students at James Madison University.


To many girls, but overall pretty good.


It is fairly easy to make friends in class, if you really want to get to know them just put forth an effort and make it happen. They are willing to help with missed notes or chat before and after class, as well as wanting to form study groups if necessary.


I love my classmates. Everyone is inquisitive and here to learn just as much as I am. Everyone here is so nice and friendly. Something I am not use to.


Student body is great! Fun to hang around with, and generally a friend for everyone.


Completely different from where I grew up, more open and want to help those around and no one wants to leave James Madison University!


My classmates are interesting, and I cannot describe them all in one sentence as they are each different, whether they be the two-thirds of my class that lounge around, do not participate, and try to sleep in class; or the good section that asks questions and are willing to work with each other to solve difficult problems.


My classmates were enthusiastic, heavily involved in the plethora of student activities, supportive, socially conscious, school-spirited, inclusive, active, encouraging, determined, and they worked as hard as they played and they played as hard as they worked.


For the most part the students here are good, open-minded people, but there are some immature, close-minded jerks. Don't let the jerks ruin it for you, and don't waste your time with them.


They are very friendly and would always help you out in any way, should you need help.


My classmates are a mixture of focused students and slackers, and there are more women than men.