JMU is not a very diverse campus. However, they are working to change that. I personally come a from a very sheltered hometown so to me personally JMU is a very diverse campus.
I can't imagine anyone feeling out of place at JMU. I walked on campus and fell in love with the scenery, people, and the food. Words can not give justice to how great JMU is. If you have never been here, I suggest you visit!
Dress for class is very casual. A lot of students wear sweat pants, hoodies, jeans, or JMU appearal.
I don't have experience with those groups of campus. No student would feel out of place on JMU's campus. We are very open and committed to making this a place for everyone. Most students wear sweatshirts and jeans in the morning, but some dress up mainly towards the afternoon. yes, all types of students interact. One table is filled with the sorority members. One is filled with the football players. One is filled with a diverse group of friends, and the last is filled with one person listening to their ipod studying. Most JMU students are from NOVA. All types of financial backgrounds are here, but mostly upper middle class students attend. yes, students are politically aware and campaign for what they believe. We have all three groups. Some do, but not often. Money is a factor, but its more important to prepare for a job that will get you any type of money.
-jmu is not a very diverse campus, not very many minorities, so a minority might feel a little out of place, mostly a caucasian student body
-most students wear comfortable clothes to class, jeans and shirts
-most JMU students are from northern virginia, a lot are also from new jersey
-mostly middle class to upper middle class backgrounds
not much diversity. a student who doesnt like to party would feel out of place. dress for class can sometimes be stereotyped by the college they are in. most jmu students are from va/ md--dc area. most students are upper middle class. i would say most jmu students are politically unaware and not invovled. students do not really talk about future income.
Needs more diversity
-I've been open to new religious events and clubs here
-I dont think anyone would feel out of place. I see a diversity of people every day.
- 4tables- Jocks, girly girls, down-to-earth people, immature boys
There is something for everyone here. No one would feel out of place. Some people dress up for class, meaning jeans and a sweater/nice shirt. But most people roll up to class in sweats, sneakers/uggs/flip flops and whatever shirt was on the top of the drawer. But when we do dress up we go all out. Most students are from Northern Virginia, Richmond, VA Beach, New Jersey, Long Island and Boston.
I do not have much experience with those groups, but I know they are very active and do great things to make everyone feel welcome. I don't think there are kinds of students that would feel out of place at JMU, everyone finds their place. Students wear a variety of things to class, there are many students who always dress nicely, as in jeans and nice top or in the spring a skirt. There are some students who dress much more casually in a hoodie or t-shirt. There are also students who go to 8ams in pj's. Different types of students do interact, but like in any community there are cliques that stay together. Four tables of students in the dining hall could all be different, there's no way to describe them, they could be all girls, all boys, a mix, they could be different organizations, different years. There are not set cliques that you see everywhere. JMU students are mostly from the east coast, lots from Virginia and north of VA, not many from south or west. Financial backgrounds that are most prevalent are probably middle to upper class. Students are politically aware, we have young republicans and democrats and most people take a stance. There is a good mix of left, right, and center. Students don't really talk about how much they'll earn one day, most students are where they are because they want to be.
Haven't really had any, have gotten the occasional email from groups like that. No student would feel out of place theres something for everyone! Most students wear jeans and a t-shirt to class or sweats. Different types of students definately interact, it's why we are here. Four tables, one is all girls, one is all boys, two are co-ed, everyone is dressed similarly jeans, JMU, or high school gear. There is talking, laughing, conversing, it's a good time for all. Most JMU students are from Virginia. Most students come from a comfortable/well-off/wealthy financial background, money isn't a problem for most of the students here. A lot of students are politically active and aware however a great deal aren't. Students do talk about how much they will earn but usually only once and usually in sessions with advisers.
As I said earlier, JMU is diverse and I've have friends of every background.
Students dress very casual - jeans, t-shirts, flip flops.
There a lot of students from VA of course, and then a bunch from NJ, PA, NY; I've also met students from Utah, CA, and Texas - so it really is a range.
I think a middle class financial background is most prevalent.
I have some friends who are very politically active, in the Republican or Democratic Student Organizations, but as a whole, I don't think students are very politically active.