James Madison University Top Questions

Describe the students at James Madison University.


My classmates at James Madison University are different(in a good way), unique, talented, very educated, social, very friendly, kind, willing to give a helping hand when possible, and all around good people.


James Madison University has done an amazing job of bringing together smart and dedicated students who are yearning to receive a well-rounded and valuable education, so that they can impact the world significantly in the career of their choice.


Many of my classmates that I've had the chance to meet and work with are kind, helpful, and very friendly- exactly the kind of people I'd like to be around for the rest of my college years; I've never met anyone who wasn't happy with the school choice and everyone is so enthusiastic about being here.


The majority are not considerate and spend most of their time focusing on what their social plans are instead of school.


They are generally ambitious, driven, hard working and engaged. They strive to succeed and do well in their classes for the most part. Most people participate in class discussions and complete their homework and readings on time.


My classmates at JMU are nice people with a lot of school spirit; however, there are a few out there that are just inconsiderate and rude, but you'll find that at any college.


The other students I met at James Madison University were very free spirited, deep in thought, and more open minded then I had met before or even expected to encounter.


My classmates are very interactive with each other in helping each other succeed and do their best, as well as friendly and supportive of our school and everything our school work towards.


They are friendly, outgoing, fun and have lots of school spirit.


My class mates mostly seem interested in learning and have a bright future.