Kentucky State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kentucky State University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior and give myself advice I'd tell myself to make sure your Gpa stays up. I would also tell myself to think beyond and ahead. I'd tell myself that I would have to transition myself into an adult becuase noone is responsible for my actions but myself. I would tell myself that you have to stay focused because this is your future now. I have to complete college to be successful and that i'm going to do.


If I could go back and give myself advice as a high school senior, I would tell myself to put important things first and to stay organized. As a senior, I slacked off because I felt since it was my last year that I didn't have to do too much. But when I got to college, I wish I would have paid more attention to the things teachers were telling me. They told me I needed to be more organized and now I see after my first semester of college that I would have been better off if I would have took them more seriously. In college there isn't anybody that is coaching me every step of the way, so I wish I would have priortized better because I think my experience here so far would be even better than what it already is.


If I could go back in time and give myself adivce as a senior I would say "Take the ACT and SAT very seriously. Study, study study because these test will help you with the classes you get put in. Fill out plenty of scholarships because college is not cheap and money do not grow on trees. Be very considerate at where you choose to go because depending on the location you need to make sure you can go home and get back with no problem. Please fill out all the scholarship you can.(I would say that everyday) Save up your money because now your about to step into adulthood and you shouldn't be depending on everybody. And remember your going away to college to futher your education so take advantage of every oppurtunity you get. Its ok to have a social life, just promise yourself if you party hard then study harder."


I would tell myself that a social life is not nearly as important as excelling academically. I would also tell myself to not be afraid to make new friends. I would encourage myself to be prepared to join a lot of clubs and organizations, because it really is worth it. I'd let myself know that there is nothing wrong with networking, and being shy here makes no difference. I would warn myself that everyone is not brought up the same way, and to keep that in mind. Most importantly, I would insist that I keep an open mind at all times, because there are so many new things you can be introduced in college--but always stick close to your morals and values. Last be not least, I'd tell me to never be afraid to be who I am.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to focus on my grades and save money. To stay focused on my grades so more scholarships will be available to me and it will be the search that less difficult when looking for them. Grades are really important so I would really inforce that I shouldn't procrastinate because theres a lot of freedom in college and no one is going to be there to tell you to do your work, so you have to be independent and responsible. I would also tell myself to save money because college is expensive and if the scholarships don't work out always have a second plan. College is an whole new experience and atmosphere of its own, you learn a lot and make new friends, enjoy the transition and get ready for an wonderful education.


Be focused and dont let financial aid tell u no.


Law School


I would tell myself don't be afraid to try new things and talk to new people. I would aslo tell myself to get involve more, and don't get introuble with the opposite sex.


Breathe, take it slow, relax, when concerning multiple choice test. Go with your first instict always, if you don't know the answer right away move on and come back to it. Take a summer course on test taking and studying skills, you will need it for college for sure. Try ,Try, Try, again. There is no reason to give up on your dreams even if it means repeating a class. In the long run everything truly does happen for a REASON. Everyday say to yourself your goal as if you already have it (Ex. I am a Registered Nurse). Don't forget to laugh at yourself.


College is not something you take advantage of. Once you make a mistake it sticks with you. You are the only one responsible for any and everything that you are scheduled for: classes, meetings, assignments, test, attendence, etc... Life is not as simple as it was in highschool, things are totally different. This is the part in life where you transform from a young lady into a mature and resposible young women. The experience of living away from home is like being set free without anyone telling you what to do with yourself. You have to make yourself be on time and on schedule. There aren't anymore mothers or fathers waking you up in the morning to get ready for school. You are your own alarm clock, you are your own mother/father. Life is not a joke anymore, once you fail the first semster there are no more extra credit assignments. If you missed out thats on you. You have to be ready to take on handling your own responsibilites as a young adult. Learn to adapt to a different lifestyle. You have to prepare yourself for whatever comes at you.