Kentucky State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kentucky State University know before they start?


I would tell myself to always try my best, work hard and you will succeed. I wouldn't change anything because without those experiences i wouldn't be who i am today.


To do my financial aid faster and to think things through better.


In order to be a successful college student you have to practice time management, and in high school this is something that I didn't practice. In college it is very easy to become distracted by the social aspects and can cause you to slip into a hole that you cannot dig yourself out of. As a high school senior I would give myself the advice of watching out who I surround myself around once I get to college. Meeting new people is a good thing, but there are still some out there that have bad intentions. Also i would advise myself not to give in to peer pressure, because it could cause me to get into a lot of trouble. Jus stay true to myself and the task at hand.


My advice to myself as a graduating senior would be to not trust everyone you meet from the start. I would give myself this advice because you really learn who people are being around them for awhile. Just because someone is nice to you and acts like your friend does not mean that they won't leave you in harm's way or a bad situation at a party. You can never be to cautious. Also, I would give myself the advice to study all I can. College is not about partying and you are there for a higher education and to make something of yourself. It's okay to have fun but dont put your school work off thinking you will have time later because that will only cause hardships and time crunches down the road.


The advice that I would give myself first and foremost would be to pick the school that my heart was at, not the school that offers the most money. The problem that I had as a senior was that my heart was at a school other than the one I attend now. By assuming that the school with the most money would automatically be fun, and that best school for me was not a wise choice. Although I would have been paying more money to go to the school of my choice, I also would've had the greater college experience. So, in conclusion, my advice that I would given myself was that I should attend the school I really wanted to go to and not worry about the financial inclinations.


If i could go back in time, I would tell myself to take my education more seriously, and not be so concerned with my social life. I had never had much independence until I started college. The freedom to do what I wanted overwhelmed me, and I lost my concentration on my studies. I would tell myself that I have the rest of my life to make friends and go to parties, but I have a shorter amount of time to decide my career. I would also tell myself that it is still important to have fun, but not to make it more important than my grades.


Don't waste your time on things that only satisy for a short amount of time, such as partying, drinking, clubbing, and otherwise not necessary and possibly counter-productive activities. Focus on schoolwork, and do not let anybody bring you down, by saying, "You can't do it, or you will never make anything of your life." Attendance is key to making it at a campus college, don't do things you know you will fail at, like getting suckered into attending campus college's because you will always get a morning class and that means a lower GPA for you. Be open to alternative schooling such as online courses, like Ultimate Medical Academy Online, it means no morning classes ever. Also, do not be intimidated by online course costs, you will be paying for the convienance, but you will most likely have a better chance of success at it, and obtaining the employment you desire. Do not make impulsive decision's, always carefully think about, and plan for anything you want to do in life.


Knowing what I know now about the college life and making the transition, the advide I would give myself is to probably have stayed closer to home for the first year, I would have saved more money, and I would have focused a lot more on my high school grades. I would have probably stayed closer to home the first year not only because my parents wanted me to, but if I had they would be able to help me out more when I needed it and be able to get to me a lot easier than its been the first semester since I had a problem with my car. I would have saved more money because life has unexpected expenses come up and I didn't realize how often they happen until they seemed to constantly come up my first five months of school. So by saving more I would have been better prepared for them. I also would have worked harder in my grades in high school so I would be awarded with more scholarships for college so I could futher my education.


If I can go back in time when I was an high school senior. I will tell myself to look into more than 3 college and universities and make sure that is what I really would like to do. Study hard and everyday so I can get an scholarship because, attending college is very expensive. Do my best and pay attention and just pray.


Stay focused. Parties are not important. The same people will be at the next party and you dont have to be at every one.