Remember how much you like roller coasters?.well college is one big roller coaster, an overall adrenaline rush! You have many tough decisions to make before college and just like you can?t get on a ride at an amusement park until you?re 4ft tall, preparation is the key to aid you as you matriculate . You hear that word, matriculate, that?s a word I?ve learned since I moved on to the college scene! Huh, to think how far I?ve come along. Be grateful for those AP classes. The more you learn now, the more relaxed you will be in college.
I know you?ve had your heart set on breaking free but, in-state colleges save money! Fewer loans mean more money to travel with after college.
SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS! I know your mother keeps nagging you about them, but, she?s right! They hold so much power and you will realize that when you get to where I am.
Most importantly, realize that you are a work in progress. There is so much potential in you, so keep focused, relax, take your time, and enjoy the wonderful roller coaster you are about to go on!!!!
Speaking to myself in high school I would have to say. Stick with it. I am working on my second attempt at college and it is much more difficult than it was when I was 18. It seems hard and long and there are so many other options other than class and studying, but going back at 30 years old and having to put being an adult on hold is even harder. So...stick with it.
I would tell myself to stay fouced on my grades and try to noost my gpa up so the funding for college would be easier. I would also tell myself that it will be hard to adjust from the city to the small country town feeling buts its well wroth it. and also to stay positive and stay humble
Learn the ins and outs of the academic process, and stay on a rigid schedule. I had a multitude of problems with regards to my scholarship and financial aid paperwork and compensation. I didn't understand the system or whom to speak with, and once I finally did, I procrastinated in actually getting the papers signed and sent out or contacting the right people. If I had learned the process beforehand, I might have been able to spare myself the agony of considering a life without college.
With regards to assignments and papers: get on them right away! Even though I still manage to write grade-A papers under deadline pressure, I also put myself through a lot of anxiety by putting off my assignments until the week (or even the day) of the deadline. My papers could have been more researched, my take-home tests more carefully scrutinized (resulting in higher grades!), and my writing assignments more intellectual. This is an area I will probably have until I graduate. If I could, I would certainly tell my high school self to develop better scheduling habits so that Finals weeks wouldn't be so worrisome.
If I could go back in time to high school and give myself advice, I would tell myself to work harder in my classes, so I can get better scholarships.
"When one stops learning, one stops growing." Eduaction is very important and very essential in society. And there is always room for improvement. If you do not know something ask, and if you do not understand, figure it out, and if you know it already learn more because there there is always something you do not know. You never want to go out in the world knowing just enough, you want to always know more then you are suppose to. And achieveing is believeing in oneself at all times. Even when you are unsure. Being prompt, organized, open minded, and dedicated will get you through colege.
If I could go back and talk to myself when I was eighteen I would have told myself to get back in school. I would tell myself No matter how hard life is , and that it is not fair the life some of us were dealt with, the only way to get recover is to educate yourself. With education you become empowered. You can do or be anything you would like to be. You can change things you never thought you can change. You can make a diffrence in this world. With education not only your voice can be heard, you can also be the voice for people who have not found thiers.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would not be able to keep my mouth shut about how important college is. I always knew college was one of the most important aspects of life and making something of yourself, but I would stress it a little more. I would not only go back and tell myself, but I would tell others as well to try their hardest to get the best grades they can acheive, to start applying early to schools that they are interested in and would like to attend. Also I would tell myself and all others to take your time during this college choosing process to visit every one that you are interested in and to make sure you make the right decision. Last but not least I would tell them to leave their high school habits behind them, because what most likely got them through high school will not work here. They need to give their full potential. College is more arduous then high school and you need to be successful in everything during your college career.
I would tell myself to learn more about other colleges and visit them before making a final choice, not to limit my options.
I would tell myself not to take my senior year lightly. Have fun and enjoy being with my friends and teachers, cherish the moments I have with my family and give the upmost respect and appreciation to my parents for providing for me and taking taking care of situations for me that I was unaware of. I would tell myself to really focus on my school work and my grades. Because my senior year grades still matter. Don't take food or having a meal for granted. It is hard to get a home cooked meal in college. Get ready to see a whole new world where people and temptation can pull you into situations you might not be ready for. Develop a strong mind and set some standards and goals to acheive once you enter the real world.