Kentucky State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Kentucky State University know before they start?


Do not get married!!! Go to school right away, it is precious time you are waisting. Enjoy life, if you cry more often then you smile, you are doing the wrong thing. Study hard.


Knowing what i know now that i didnt know whil in High School, i wouldve given advice of patience. Being in college you have to have an extreme amount of patience, sometime your finances dont come through as fast as you would like or you expected and also sometimes it takes a longer for you to accomplish what you enrolled into College for. I would also have given myself advice of having more responsibility, during High School i basically had everything handed to me and when i became a College student i found out that everything thats going on while im here is my responsibility. I have to make sure that everything is taken care of myself, my parents arent here with me to make sure everything is in order. Now that im in College i've learned to be more patient and take on more responsibility witout anyone having to tell me to.


If I could go back and talk to myelf as a high school senior the most important thing I could tell myself would be to go directly to college rather than take time off in between. I was planning to take a year off and ended up waiting nine years. Now I'm 27 years old with a child and I'm just now back in school. I could already be finished if only I hadn't gotten lazy and taken time off. It really upsets me to think that I could have a degree and a career but I chose to waste away nine years instead. I only made it more difficult on myself in the end because I did everything backward. I now have to raise my daughter full time, work full time, and go to school full time but if I had gone strait to college I would have had a degree and a career before my child was born and all I would have to focus on would be my child and my job and money would not be so tight. I chose the hard road so I would definately warn myself about taking time off.


I would tell myself dont be nervous you have come this far and there is no turning back now, you can do this. I would also tell myself to manage my stress level and when I need help with schoolwork, dont be afraid to ask for it! Soak up all available knowledege like a sponge. Try your best at all times. Meet new people and try new things, its always good to come out of your comfort zone every once in a while. Attempt things that you dont think you are capable of. You will never know just how good you are at something until you try it. Study hard and dont get behind on your work, in college time goes fast and every minute is precious. Never regret anything just learn from your mistakes and do much better next time. Be friendly to everyone you meet, because you never know who you might need assistance from later on in life. Network, because sometimes its not just about what you know but who you know. Above all, be true to yourself and no matter what takes place while you are in college, you must never forget who you are.


When you begin the search for your college and you haven't the faintest clue what you want to do with your life, do not be afraid. College is the opportunity and privilege that provides individuals with the resources they need to discover themselves and to realize their dreams. These few years I have spent at Kentucky State University have taught me many things about myself, about courage, about uncertainty, and about the drive to succeed. The first few weeks I spent as a college freshman were scary. I was unsure of my abilities to earn the grades that I wanted. I soon learned that if I did what was asked of me, did not procrastinate and did my assignments on time, I would not only meet, but exceed those goals I had set for myself. I can remember seeing some of my classmates making the same discovery. Once you come to this conclusion, there is nothing that can stop you from being the best you can be and overcoming all of the challenges that cross your path.


I would advise myself to be prepared to be very shy. The first year of college was very hard to make friends but the ones I could find, to stick with them. College friends will last for life so it's best to find ones with your major or interests in mind. Who knows, they might be able to help you in the future. Until then though, take college one day at a time. Don't let yourself get too stressed and remember, take a break when you need it and ask for help when needed! Don't be so prideful that you don't ask for help!


YOUR PARENTS WERE RIGHT! It's a big world out there, you have to be responsible for your own actions and accept the consequences. No one will hold your hand in college. If you pass or fail, it's all up to you. Get good grades, so that you can succeed and make your dreams a reality. Try to keep the partying and other distractions to a minimum. Participate in campus extracuriculars instead. The key is that if you do make mistakes along the way, LEARN from them and become a better person. Never stop learning...learn about everything in life, books,t.v. radio, different nations and their people, cultures and every other aspect that this world has to offer , it will do nothing but help you live up to your potential in life and your studies. Volunteerism is the best! It's very self fulfilling and helps your fellow man. But above all, live life to the fullest, stay true to you and your beliefs, give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} and and you'll always shine!


I would tell myself that the decision to pick a college is a very hard decision to make. Making a decision based solely upon location, and scholarship opportunities is not enough. You need to explore the campus, talk to people, spend some time with people that have gone through the same process that I intend to go through, and make your decision based upon all of this information. I will tell myself to relax, have fun, and not be so nervous. I spent a lot of my time frustrated, and nervous about the transition and trying to be the perfect college student, that I forgot to have fun, and I forgot to let loose and dive into this new life endeavor just like any other new experience. However, I cannot go back into time and I cannot change the past, but I can help those that intend to explore this fascinating hurdle--college, and help make the transition easier for them.


I would tell myself to work on my time management and learn better study habits. I would also tell my high school self to take things more seriously so that I can do my best my first semester. I would explain how far will power goes when it comes to college and I would tell mysel not to give up when times get hard.


Assuming that I could go back in time to talk to myself as a senior in high school I word give myself examles of situations that will go on during the transition. Also I would tell myself that to apply for as many scholorships and grants as possible. That I should always keep my grades up high, as high as I could get them. To be very self motivated becuase you can always rely on yourself. Always be a hard worker becuase life is hard and if a person really want's help it they will go and get it. I would tell myself to always have faith in the lord, that he will always be on my side.