Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself as a high school senior that most of the relationships I formed do not matter and were not worth worrying so much about. In high school, I experienced a lot of drama because of who my boyfriend was and looking back I realize that dealing with that drama was not worth our relationship. Now, I also know that the friends I had in high school were not my true friends and within a year after graduation, I probably only talked to five if them. People always talk about how great their high school experience was, but to me nothing gets better than college. I wish I would have known how much fun college would bring and would have not worried about what people thought of me in high school.
I would tell myself to stay in school and get a college degree. You don't want to have to do it later in life when you should be concentrating on family and working. Love being alone. A man does not define you. You are the only one you can truely depend on and trust. Raise your child to be the best that he /she can be, that is all that you can ask for. Nobody is perfect.
Be open to people with different ideas and different upbringings, even if you strongly disagree with the other person or party. Plan to be active in the campus and surrounding community, ask questions and challenge professors, to a reasonable point. Living with other people is difficult, again, be open and considerate. Have fun and try new things, you never know what could surprise you and take your fancy.
Really work on your study habits. Get into the habit of not missing class, and taking detailed notes. Time management is the key to success in college. Learn early where the library is, and where and when peer tutoring is available. Never be ashamed to ask questions, because in the end you are only hurting yourself by not doing so.
The advice I would give myself is to visit and apply to many more colleges than I actually did. Visiting college campuses is free doesn't cost anything, you need to look at several options before making such an important decision. I would also tell myself to have done post secondary in high school through one of the local colleges that provides that opportunity to high school students. It would have been a great opportunity to get the college experience while still in high school but would have received credit for both college and high school. It also would have jumpstarted me on being able to graduate college possibly sooner and was at no cost to me as a high school student. It would help with The financial aspect of college and not having to pay for it when I was high school, so my debt would be smaller when I graduate college.
When I graduated high school I was only 18 years old. I did not want to go far from home where I would not know anyone. Looking back, I wish I would not have been so scared because now that I am about to graduate college, I realize that I will most likely have to move for my career as a television reporter. If I would have made a big move at a younger age, it might not be as hard for me to do it now. I do not want to be stuck in one town for the rest of my life and I think it happens to a lot of people. I am happy with the college that I chose but I feel like I could have learned a lot more about myself if I would have moved further away from home.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself 18-year-old self, I would definitely have some words of wisdom to share. When I was 18, college really wasn't that big of a priority. The most important things to me back then was partying and having fun, not necessarily getting an education. I would have to sit my young self down, and explain to him how the world is. I would explain to him that there is much, much more to this life and a college education is extremely important. At 25 years of age, I've spent most of my life trying different professions based on what would make myself happy. Recently I've learned that life is not about me. The world is not centered around me. As I embark on a journey to dedicate myself to God's service, I'll end this essay with a quoted that sums up my life to this point. "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last. And when I'm dying how happy I'll be, if the lamp of my life is burned out for Thee."
The next chapter...college! You have been waiting for the past four year to finally end, and as you look back they have sadly flown by in a blink of an eye. As you turn the page to the next chapter in your life, be prepared to meet new people(who will become your bestfriends!), experience new things(that you will never forget) but most of all work as hard as you possibly can. This is your chance to get ahead and do well, after all it is your future that you are holding in your hand. Make sure to always try your hardest, and know that anything is possible, you might even end up on a billboard! I know the transition will be quite easy for you but make sure you stay your true self. You will make many new and amazing friends but keep your old friends colse and your family closer. Be prepared to work hard but still have the time of your life, good luck and remember you can do anything you put your mind to.
College is a tremedous investment in your future. Not only do you learn to work in your chosen field, but you get the opportunity to live and grow as an individual. If I could go back in time and tell myself what I know now, I'd tell myself to get involved. It is important to live every moment and learn as much as you can. My advice would be to get involved and make a difference. I would impress upon myself how important it is to make my voice heard.
If i could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior i would try to prepare myself for the changes that occur once you enter college. I would try to convince myself to pick a major as soon as possible, that way i could start working on that right away to choose the correct classes to take. I would tell myself that once I get into college i need to learn how to better use my time so that i can get my assignments done well with the time i have. When i was in high school, i did not spend a lot of time outside of school working on homework because i got most of it done quickly and i also rarely read the text books provided in the class. i would tell myself to start getting in the habit of reading and understanding what the text book says. Most of all i would tell myself to do as well as i can and to try not to stress when i have many things to do in a small amount of time.