I would tell myself to work more harder than you have in the years before. Like doing the extra credit stuff to make your gpa better than it was. To tell myself not to worry about anything other than family and school work to keep focus on the goal of getting a better job in the real world and better wages.
I look back at my carefree senior year and wish that I had took the initiative to fill out more scholarship applications. If I were given the chance to go back in time, I would advise myself to do just that. I would tell myself to apply for every single college scholarship available; even the smallest amount of money would be so helpful in the future. I now realize how much money I will owe after college, and it truly scares me. I wish someone had told me how important it is to receive multiple scholarships.
The second thing I would tell myself would be to take the hardest courses offered in my high school curiculum. If I had taken all AP and honors classes offered to me, then I would have been much better prepared for college. Pushing myself in high school would have been well worth the extra efforts. In college I am studying for my future career which requires the use of knowledge learned in all my classes both from college and high school. Had I been given this information prior to entering college, I would have found my life a million times easier.
if i could go back to high school my senoir year i would try to improve om my self bedcause i didnt have the best disapline ,my grades, save my money for college because it is expensive. High school i had someone to push me to work hard, but in college no one tellls you to do your work so if i got do do it all over again i would have that self push so i could have the grades, being smart with my mone and improve as human in todays world .
If i were to advise myself before my senior year i would tell me a lot of advice. I learned a lot of tips that would help me have a smoother transition to college. I would tell myself to work out as much as possible. This will make you look better during college football visits and look better for the ladies at school. Another tip i would have is to take the act test to improve your score to a twenty five. Doing this will make college a lot less expensive and improve life after college. The thrid piece of advice would be to try as hard as you can in class and on homework. Every point on your grade point average is very helpful into getting scholarships for college. You dont know until you have been there. The last piece of advice would be to enjoy every single moment of your senior year. It goes by way to fast and you wish it was still your life. I miss hanging out with my friends and playing many sports instead of just playing football. Another thing that goes along with this is live with no regrets.
If I could go back to my senior year and talk to myself, the first thing out of my mouth would be to take school more seriously and ask for help when you need it, instead of swallowing your pride. My freshman year of college I was placed on academic probation and unable to play football the next Fall. When you have something taken away from you that you have worked so hard for, it makes you rethink your approach towards success. Since then I have changed my life and the way I approach school. So if I could go back and talk to myself, I would say do your best in all aspects and give everything you have because once you dig yourself a hole, it is a hard journey to dig your way back out.
As a freshman in college, I am still continually learning more about my school and classmates that I would have liked to know ahead of time. If I were to give myself advice I would first say, "Do not be shy." I grew up being shy but at college, now would be the time to break out of my shell but still be myself. Also I would tell myself to meet people from different groups. I play soccer so my only friends are from soccer. I wish I would have meet new people with different interests. Another important thing I would advise myself is don't do things just because other people do them. It is ok to go out and have fun but just because everyone is going bowling or seeing a movie doesn't mean that I have to. That time could have been spent more efficiently on my schoolwork or joining other organizations. The main thing is just to be myself. I got where I am today because of the person I am so don't try to be someone I am not.
I would tell myself as a senior many things. I would say put yourself out there. Don't be afraid of change or something different. Make new friends, they will help you get through the hard times. Don't forget your friends back home and keep in touch with them. Always ask if you can help out. If you help other people they will help you. Don't judge people on their appearances, they may surprise you. Don't trust people that you first meet but don't hold them back either. Be open to new experiences. Don't let your fear hold you back but push through it. Got out and have fun every once in a while. Don?t always stress out about your school work. Everything will turn out fine. Don't be scared of falling because that is how you learn sometimes. If you know the answer say it, don't keep it held up inside. Finally I would tell myself to take advantage of every opportunity that you are given because many won't come again.
It is just a new chapter in your life and you should not be scared. Things will change but you should never be scared of change. This change will teach you life lessons that nothing else could ever teach you except for your college experience. You will do fine and you will like it. I know you are a little afraid of leaving home but you are going to have to move away from Guernsey county Ohio some time. This will be a good experience because it is just far enough away from home that you can go home when Mom and Dad need your help and they will be fine without your help around the farm. Life moves fast charish every moment it will move by very fast. Track and Field is not over it is just begging you will do good and have a chance to prove yourself at the first meet. This stuff is all important but always remember to have fun you are hear to study but if it is not fun then you should look at what is more important to yourself and change what your studying. Its okay you will like your Entrepreneurship classes.
Never ever work off of assumptions. Whatever the situation, find the truths in untruths and vice versa. Explore your beliefs, explore your decisions to be made, explore you. Nothing is ever as big a rush as it seems so take the time to build your foundations, these are important years.
If I could go back to the time I was a high school senior, and I knew what I know now, I would have a great deal of advice to give myself. First, I would have been involved in various organizations, clubs or activities. High school should be a time devoted to getting to know yourself better. The biggest mistake I made was not considering and researching what I wanted to do with my life after high school. Volenteering or shadowing people in specific occupations would be a great way to do this. I would have took advantage of the many opportunites directed towards college preparation. (e.g. taking challenging classes.) Also, my counselor was always prepared to give me advice and help me make important decisions. I feel that I would have gained more knowledge regarding what to expect at college if I would have took advantage of the counseling services that were provided to me at the time.