If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not get bogged down in all the schoolwork and enjoy life. College is a lot of work, but looking back on the first two years of college, I made my schoolwork my life. I realize that I missed so much beacuse I was constantly writing a paper or working on a project. College homework is important, but living life to its fullest is even more important in the long run. I would tell myself to have a healthy balance between doing schoolwork and doing things I enjoy. That's the best way to have a great college experience! College is such a crazy time of discovering who you want to be, making new friends, learning a whole lot of information, and writing lots of papers. This time is fleeting and will not return again. Enjoy every aspect of it, and make your life surrounded by the experience...not just the work!
If I could go back and talk to myself, I would emphasize academics and being well prepared. I would tell myself to prepare a four year plan of classes, so that I didn't get off track. The party scene wasn't for me, so I would also tell myself to not waste my time like I did. I would tell myself specific teachers to take, and other ones to avoid. I just recently was diagnosed with ADD, and would tell myself to go to the doctor, so I would be diagnosed sooner. I would have had a lot less problems academically if I would have known this a while ago. The last thing I would emphasize, would be to have fun and let go. I don't know where I would be if I didn't come to this college. I have met some of the best (and worst) friends I will ever encounter. I would tell myself to meet these people even earlier, so I would have had all of my amazing friends even sooner. They have helped me so much, that I don't know where I would be without them.
Be sure to always give yourself a little reality check. You always hear of people changing who they are to fit in and you tell yourself that person will never be you. Just remember that you are not so different from everyone else and it really is not worth it to change. Many unexpected things will happen and life will get harder than you can imagine now, but you are a strong person. You can and will make it through. Make sure the reasons for choosing your college are a reflection of what you want. Don?t settle for anything less than perfect. You deserve it and this is setting you up for the rest of your life, make it a good start. Most importantly don?t forget to get the most out of your college experience. Meet new people. Try new things. Go new places. Be careful and don?t have regrets.
If I was able to go back in time and talk to my self as a high school senior the first thing I would say is ?why didn?t you listen to them??. Every teacher was always saying work hard now it will pay off when you get to college and I would just laugh. But, now looking back if I would have put it in even a little more effort I could have received more scholarship money, and tested out of several classes instead of having to go through it all over again. I would have also told myself to be more responsible with money and start saving it. Having some extra cash in the bank would make things a lot less stressful then my current situations. All in all if the senior me would even listen to the me now I would simply say be a harder worker it may seem pointless since your graduating but, it dose help out in the end. I would of given you multiple choice instead of just choice A.
Coming from Cleveland, Ohio and growing up in a poor area in Ashtabula,Ohio. Right out of high school I wasnt sure that college life was for me. Started to get into the streets, and get into a little trouble and really wanted to turn my life around. Now as a full time college student at Lake Erie, I would Let myslef know in highschool that there is nothing to fear about college. Go in right after you Graduate, and always work your hardest because teachers and professors really respect that and will let you know. Show that you are pround of where you came from and all the stuggles you had to overcome, and stand up for what you believe in. Once you become a college student take everything serioulsy because for some one like me there is no turning back, or room for failure.
As a High School Senior, I would go back and tell myself to become more involved with more social groups. As I only had 2 or 3 after a full year of College, if I had put myself more out there and engaged with others then I would have more friends as others began to transfer, graduate, or drift away. I would encourage myself to get out more and do more fun activities on campus and around town. I would want to be more adventurious and enthusiastic, and perhaps not work so much, because it spoiled part of the experiance.
If I could go back, I would want myself to study more, and really aim for that 4.0 GPA rather than just accept the grade. I would want to be more involved in clubs and on campus, rather than just at the Equestrian Center.
I would tell myself not to worry, because college turns out to be an awesome place of freedom and enjoyment.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior i would be confronted by a large problem. The only thing i could tell myself is to BE myself. While i have been in college i never wanted to go back and corrrect a wrong. This is because every mistake made in college is simply another life experiance. College life is more then going to class or making connections for getting a good job, it's the chance to be in a world you have never seen before. If i went back in time and told myself to not make that mistake then i would never learn why i shouldn't make the mistake. If we were all to go back and right the wrongs of the past then we'd never look on to a brighter future. If i went to stop myelf from doing something then i would always expect to beable to right my wrongs. However, i could never live knowing that i allowed myself to make an even larger mistake of stoping myself. Life is a learning experance and college is the best place to start the process.
I would tell myself to focus less on friends and more on work. Once graduation is over most people go their seperate ways and who you think they are, becomes who they were. If they aren't willing to help you study, they aren't willing to help you succeed.
There are a few things you need to know before you leave for college! First, you need to prepare for how much you are going to miss your family and pets. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but after a few months you will totally miss quirky Aunt Edna and having to take Fido for a walk when it's below freezing. Next, realize that living on your own comes with more responsibilities than you can think of. Are you ever going to clean you room if there isn't anyone there to nag you? I also recommend meeting your roommate before move-in. That way you can help decide who brings the TV and who brings the microwave. Finally, balance is very important. Constantly stressing yourself out over Econ isn't going to make things any better. Set some time aside to relax and enjoy being a college student. Party hard but study harder. Good luck!
If I had the opportunity to speak with my high-shcool-senior self, I would would make sure to stress the importance of being involved and dedicated to your academics. It is important to realize that college is a trial run for how you interact in the workplace and if you utilize the classroom to conquer fears and insecurities, you can succeed.
I would also make sure to emphasize the importance of dedication to one's work. While you may not have the right answer or the best grade in class, it is important to learn from the mistakes and embrace the learning.
Finally, I would definatley make a note to myself that pajama pants, while socially acceptable, are not fashion forward on campus!