If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would stress focusing on school work and possibly taking some Post-Secondary classes instead of worrying about my social life. I feel that I could do so much more if I had done more in high school towards my college education. I'm taking classes now that I could have completed in a Post-Secondary program in high school. It would have saved me money and a lot of time. I also would have been able to add an extra minor or even double major. I believe I took the right classes in high school and the path I'm on now is where I want to be, I just wish I could be a little further ahead than where I am now. Ultimately, I would have told myself not to attend Capital University my freshman year and just go to Lake Erie College instead. That's how I would have prepared myself for the transition from high school to college.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior there is a lot that I would say. One thing that I would tell myself is to apply for more scholarships. I have come to find that paying for college is not cheap, and if you put enough effort into it, it is possible to go to college with very little money coming out of your own pocket. Another thing that I would tell myself is to learn to study. Learn what techniques work best for you and how to apply them. In high school I rarely had to study for tests. I usually got all the information I needed just by listening to the teachers talk, but college takes a lot of hard work and that hard work includes a lot of studying. The final piece of advice that I would give myself is to be smart. College life is a lot different than high school. It's very easy to get caught up in things such as drugs and alcohol, and these things can really mess up your education. You can still have fun, just be careful and use your head.
If I could go back in time to my senior year, bassically I would tell my self to calm down. I remember thinking how am I gona do all this school work. How am I gona get through four more years. I really started thinking about this my last half of my senior year. Once I started school I was so nervous. What I didnt realizwe is that it wasnt that bad. Yes the school work is harder, but I have so much time in the day to do all of this. Even though I do cross country and track. I figured once I had gone on to college, that I was gona be on my own in the class room. This is exactly the opposite. The teachers are so willing to help you get that A or B that you so desirebly want. So basically if I could go back in time, I would flat out tell my self to calm down.
I wish I could have stop seeing college as my hiding place, listen to parents instead of ignoring them . At this time I have known how important it is, especially when you are in college.
As a college student, you are responsible for everything. You don't have parents to tell you what to do and what not to do. When I was in high school, I thought of college as a place where you get rid of the parents' pressure. Yes, sure it is! But as you take your time to enjoy "your parents' free life," your school works slipped and at the end of the semester, all you can see is all this unwelcoming letters, C, D-, and worst of all, the figure F. So all you can think of is I wish I knew! But now that I have known, college isn't a gate-away ticket, it is a place where responsibilties and creative thinking came into practice, it is a place where you reduced your fun and utilized inorder to have more in future, it is the place where boys became men, and girls became women, it is the place where our future relied on.
If only I knew now what I didn?t know then. Is a saying I remember hearing all the time as I attended my days at Crestwood High. Being the growing man I was I thought I already knew everything and all these people saying this to me must not understand how much I already know. Well now I know how confused I really was!
If only my stubborn attitude could have just taken a break for a second, maybe I would have listened. I kept on pushing thinking ?I got this? life is easy and I can just skate my way right threw. Going from class to class in those crowded high school halls just cracking jokes and amusing all my friends. A ?D? was good enough. That was my attitude.If only I could go back and... tell my self that there is no other way to do good other then work hard or slap myself when I decided it was more important to skip class and go to McDonalds! I know I could have made this transition into college much easier. If only then I knew what I know now!
Going back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, know what i know now would be such an oppertunity. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships, even though we have a coulpe of them, money is still really tight. Keep our job at Waldameer park it paid for car, school books and lab fees. Also dont worry about the parent plus loan, you get the extra stafford loan, just stay on moms but about it. Your room mate Zerina is awesome, dont worry shes not as scary as she seems. Try to buy stuff through out the summer for school so you dont have to do it last minute, wasn't worth it. Be really nice to Grandpa Morris he may not always be around but he helps more than you think. Try to take as many English riding lessons as you can otherwise we are going to be at LEC longer than four years. Last but not least make sure to get to the library to check your school email, we miss alot because we didnt have the internet. - future self P.S. Sean and You are still good.
As the famous saying goes, "Hind-sight is 20/20."` Everyone who truly lives looks back at the past and thinks about what they could have done differently. I believe that the past is to be respected for what it is, the past. I don't think that I would go back and tell myself to do anyting differently. Every decision I made as a senior in high school shaped me to be the person I am now, and I would not change that for anything. I learned many valuable lessons about myself and who I am as a person during my transition from high school to college. I am very proud of how I adjusted and I don't think I would have had the same experience if I could go back in time and tell myself what to do to make transitioning easier. However, if I really had to choose one thing to tell myself it would be this: "Live everyday and savor every moment. This is the time in your life that will shape you as a person. Make the most of it."
The most important aspect in choosing the right college to attend is knowing who you are, personality wise. I knew that I did not want to go far away to a school where students primarily went out to party. I also knew that I wanted to be in class sizes that were of medium size. It is also very important to research and compare positives and negatives of living on campus versus off campus. I still live at home while I attend school, and it has been great due to the fact that I am able to save some money. It is key to visit mulitple campuses and speak with various people who work there in order to gain a better understanding and perception of that type of school. Make sure you ask many questions even if they may seem ridiculous and/or pushy, you'll be happy you did. It is important to be happy on a school campus that best describes you. I knew the characterisitcs of schools that I did not want to attend, and I am still happy with my choice of attending a smaller college.
The advice that I would give to potential and future college students and parents is to research all your options before making a decision. Important points to research are business programs, internships departments offered, students, classroom sizes (important!), and professors? interaction with their students. Be sure to choose a college that offers your area of study, and that independent studies are offered. Independent studies are a great way to customize a course for your specific area of study. It is very important to choose a college with smaller classrooms, this will give students more one on one time with professors and develop relationships with them. Professor relationships are important because they will be willing to reach out to their professional connection for students. This will give you a head start on your career.
Really sit down and decide what type of people you enjoy to be around and what kind of people will help you succeed.