Lehigh University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Lehigh University?


The general consensus for academics at Lehigh is that courses are difficult and require plenty of time in and out of class to get a good grade. Certainly there are classes that require little time and classes that require an intense amount of time, and this depends on what major students are and the classes they enroll in. I am in the college of Arts & Sciences, which is known to most students on campus as "The College of Arts & Crafts." Depending on your major, this may or may not hold true. For example, I am majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience and am striving to fulfill my major requirements and apply to medical school. Lehigh has definitely shown me her tough side, as I have spent numerous hours focusing on chemistry and biology lectures (not to mention the three hour labs twice a week) as well as other electives and required courses. The grades can certainly be achieved for the sciences if students are willing to dedicate their time. Most of the professors who teach the various science courses at Lehigh are very reputable and are available to students that need help. Unless you are in a small class (30 students or less), have spoken to your professor after class, or your professor has an exceptional memory for names (as my organic chemistry professor does for all of his 250 students), most professors will not know your name. Although this may seem unfavorable for some students, it can be a great thing, as it allows students to go to class, focus, and not worry about being called on by name. This can help some students excel in class and beat the grading curve, since there is a great amount of competitive students at Lehigh. No matter what type of class a student is in, the individual will take away some sort of information from it. I cannot count how many times one of my friends has asked me how a certain physiological process works in our body or why humans express certain cognitive behaviors. These questions are right up my alley with my major, but there is no doubt that any student in any major would not be well equipped to answer questions about subject matter from an inquisitive peer. Lehigh offers each student this opportunity which allows students to express their intellectual abilities past the pages of a text book and apply it to real world conversations and situations.


The academics at my school are very competitive. The only issue is that the Engineering and Business schools are alotted way more resources than the school of Arts and Sciences. It may appear that the school offers a fair amount of opportunity for all, but it really doesn't unless you are doing your own footwork. That is the one critique I have on the academics that I wish would change. Other than that the professors are extremely helpful and really do take an interest in your success. There are many opportunities to network and get jobs, there is ample study space all around campus and they definitely provide nourishment for all neccessary late night academic endeavors.


Academics can be challenging, and many would consider them difficult. Freshman classes are typically large, but the professors are great. TA's are either hit or miss, but usually the professor can teach you what you need to know anyways. If you are having trouble, office hours with the professor or your TA are available and you can always make an appointment if you cannot make it to their allotted office hours.


Work hard, play hard. Lehigh is the definition of that. The libraries will be packed come midterms and finals, and most kids work hard all semester, but they always have time to party. The professors usually know your name, which is really nice. I've had pretty good professors so far, but I did have one who pretty much didn't know how to teach. Luckily, this is a rarity.


The academics have been great for the most part. Professors care about the students and are willing to meet if you attend their office hours. In terms of intellectual conversation, there are a ton of INTELLIGENT people at Lehigh but not too many INTELLECTUALS. People here are smart but typically just do their work and do it well, so they can party later. The classes (at least in the finance/economics dept) really do prepare you for the real world, and many future NYC finance employees graduate every year. You not only need to learn the stuff, but learn how to apply it to the real world.


Other than the big freshmen lectures the professors learn your name. It's normal to see people studying in the library and study lounges until two in the morning. It's cool that you can have intelligent conversations on almost everything with almost everybody. Students are always ready to help each other when it comes to homework and projects.


The academics are terrific. Teachers are engaging and challenging. The accounting department was recently ranked number 1 in the nation by BusinessWeek and all the other majors and departments are strong as well. Teachers like class participation no matter how many people are in the class.


Linderman Library is a great quiet place to study. Finals and 4 o'clock exam times see the libraries fully packed, so if you plan to study during those times, get there early. The libraries stay open 24 hours, and it's common to see students studying at 3AM, 4AM, right through to the morning. Professors are good, but recently students have complained of foreign professors with thick accents being difficult to understand.


You will get a great education at Lehigh no matter what you decide to study. I received a degree from both the Business school and the Engineering school and I can honestly say that these are two top notch schools. The professors are amazing. And although I did not take many classes in the Arts and Sciences, my friends who did were all very complementary about the education they received and the professors they had. Professors will know your name in many of your classes, especially once you are further in your college career and your classes become more focused. Their is a good deal of competition at Lehigh, but it never gets out of control or overbearing. Also, I can certainly say that the education is geared at getting a job.


go to class, study, talk to the teachers or ur f'ed