Academics are very good at Lehigh. I know all of my professors and recitation teachers' names. My favorite class thus far has been intro to global studies and intro to sociology. My least favorite class was English second semester which focused on slavery and hip hop, and my freshman seminar - excursions in mathematics. With the exception of my seminar the biggest reasons I liked or disliked a class would be because of the professor.
Class participation is common in certain classes, English, math, recitations, but not big lecture type classes like my intro classes.
I feel there is a lack of intellectual curiosity outside of the classroom, but this may because of the people I surround myself with. There are few political discussions, few discussions about what students are doing in their classes and what they enjoy and want to pursue. This is an issue for me.
Students are not too competitive, but if I were an engineer or had declared a major I may find a great deal of competition within certain classes.
The most unique class I've taken is global studies. I have had little experience in the classroom being that I just finished freshman year, but this class had assignments that were applicable to the real world like policy papers or "white papers" and discussion of current events.
I have spent time with professors outside of class, but the bigger classes with recitations I spend time with the recitation teachers instead.
The academic requirements seem reasonable for a general degree, but as a business student the requirements seem like they are too much. Engineers too have their four years laid out for them.
Education can be whatever students choose to take from it. There are many students who learn for learnings sake and are only looking to get a great job out school. There are also other students who enjoy learning and are not looking years into the future. However, I have found much more of the former and that may change as I get older.
I love the class size at Lehigh. The intro classes can get a little too big, like 150 or 200 people, but these large classes all have recitations where you're broken down into groups of about 20. The normal class size I've experienced is around 20 people. The professors are all helpful and most of my professors know me by name. If I do encounter a professor that isn't helpful or I feel that I can't approach (this has happened once before) I'll just go and talk to another professor in the department.
My favorite class: Architectural History 001, intro level course, but the professor made me want to switch to architecture after taking this class.
My least favorite class: Biology... because apparently my and biology don't mix.
If you did well in high school than expect to be challenged and have your self confidence killed at lehigh.
Political Science department is wonderful--small classes
Math/Science teachers do not care about their students.. it is impossible to do well
Every professor I have had was extremely intelligent within his or her discipline. I really enjoyed almost every class I've taken so far, regardless of difficulty or type. The students are competitive, but I they are also very willing to help you figure out what you're doing. An education at Lehigh (especially within the engineering and business colleges) is extremely career oriented. From the very first semester students will learn the skills they need to exceed in their professional careers. As far as the Art's and Sciences college goes, you're education will be as meaningful as you want it to be. It all depends on how seriously you take your classes, and which classes you choose.
small classes with dedicated teachers
Mgt 186 - supply chain operation management was awesome so was art 2 (ren to present)
least favorite class - history 2 it just sucked
study time - 4+ hours a day recommended
participation is not only expected it helps!
intellectual conversations out of class are everyday - turn off the tv and you would be amazed at what your friends think about
students are competitive but also work well together and are always willing to help a fellow student - no one has ever intentionally screwed me over to get a better grade
unique class - nothing unique per say but i remember every teacher and class
supply chain mgt is a newer major, we have a great staff, 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} placement, and fun classes
my advisor is awesome and i just go into his office to chat sometimes
academic requirements are strict and well rounded - business school needs an ethics class not just taught in other classses
lehigh's education is geared to teach you how to problem solve. they make you think for your self and how to be capable of tackling any problem you may encounter whether it be job related or personal
Academics at Lehigh are tough, but you just have to keep your priorities straight and know when is the proper time for work and play. Students tend to study a lot during the day and use the nights to relax. The class sizes vary anywhere from introductory 200 person lectures or more in-depth 15 person classes. Professor's are always willing to help, you just have to seek their help.
My classes have been overall pretty great. Two things are important: First, study something you like, not something your parents want, or your roommate does, or that has an easy reputation. If you are learning about something interesting it makes life 150{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} better. Secondly: check out who your professor is. While I have had some amazing professors at Lehigh, a few do suck. Generally the student population knows who they are and you can avoid them. Classes are alot of work but very managable and profs and T.A.'s are always willing to help you out. There are also free tutoring services offered. Some entry level classes are big, but as an Arts and Sciences student, I've had most classes with less than 30 people: some have had around 10! Students study alot and the libraries are packed during midterms and finals but school work does not dominate your life. You have time to pursue other interests too. One of my favorite parts about college is that I'm in an intellectual atmosphere all the time. My friends and I have very different interests and study different things but like to talk about current issues or have theoretical debates. It's so exciting! Alot of extracurricular organizations are academically based as well: the Society of Women Engineers, the club that builds race cars, the language clubs. Political Science and history departments are underrated but awesome! I love the profs, they get to know you and are providing me with an excellent education.
I feel like the professor try to balance getting to know you personally and getting as much information to you as possible. Most of my professors have used name placards so the more you participate the more likely they are to know your name. Almost every professor has some kind of class participation score in order to make sure that people show up and do their work. The classes do vary greatly between colleges. Engineering has larger classes first year but average class size is smaller than the other two. Most unique class I took this year was Grimms Fairy Tales:Folklore, Femminism and Film. It was a really nice break from the rest of my business classes. Lehigh also offers some interesting programs that allow double majoring or other unique opportunities such as their Global Citizenship program. Students take and altered English course in their freshman year and then get to go abroad for about ten days (we went to India) and then come back and have and English class to reflect on the trip. In addition, they have a few other classes to elect to take and at graduation are given a certificate saying that they have been striving to become global citizens.
I am one of few female engineers, this makes me stand out in my engineering classes and my professors seem to always know my name and are always willing to help me. I am pretty sure this goes for everyone in the engineering school, but I do realize it is a bit different for my case. My favorite classes so far were my two design foundation classes where we got to work hands on 2D and 3D projects. The problem with these classes was the fact that nothing was given to us in the regard of supplies, which equated to cost quite a lot of money. I felt that the teachers really made an effort to not only understand each student's skills and talents, but also their personalities pertaining to their strengths and weaknesses. The second trouble of this class was that I had to wait to take it because it filled up so quickly because of the lack of faculty members in this department.
I think, as a student who has just finished their sophomore year, that Lehigh has geared me to understand the basics of my majors. I assume the career aspect will come when I am closer to graduation.
Academics are difficult, but it is worth it if you put in effort. Business classes are only worth 3 credits, so you end up having to take 5 classes every semester as opposed to the Arts and Science college where all the classes are worth 4 credits. The arts and science kids are not really taken seriously by the rest of the students because engineers and business students have it way harder. Engineers have it especially difficult. I had a lot of friends my freshman year that were engineers, and they are still my friends, but I just never see them because they are constantly working or studying.