Lehigh University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Lehigh University?


Lehigh offers a wide variety of classes and you can always find classes that you want to take. Some majors (especially engineering) leave little room for students to pick their own elective courses, but other programs allow enough elective credits to minor or major in a second area. Most intro. courses are large and professors do not know the students in their class. By junior and senior year, most classes have no more than 30 students and professors know each person in the class. Attending office hours is encouraged and usually very helpful as most professors want to see their students succeed. Most students study a lot and everyone is competitive when it comes to grades, GPAs, and internship/job offers.


most professors know my name either because I had small classes or went to ask questions during office hours, my favorite class was english because my professor had me write in a completely different way then in high school that was engaging and really made me analyze what I was reading, class participation varies there are students who are very involved in class and those who would rather be sleeping, students do have intellectual conversations outside of class especially politics and the economy, I think the academic requirementrs are worthwhile even though a lot of students get frustrated with them


The first year you will be lucky to find a teacher who knows your name and speaks good English; however, the higher up you go you will find some extremely smart people who are excellent teachers. There are always a few who have overstayed there welcome but I'm sure that's the same anywhere.


All the professors have AMAZING resume's. Some of them are really weird, but as you get to upper level courses, you really develop healthy relationships with your professor (that is if you care. Its the students initiative). In my experience, students arent very competitive. We help each other out. Some students are though, you can never get around that. I am an engineer. And Lehigh has been pouring money into their business and accounting program so I am not very happy about that. But it is still a great program. They have a lot of resources available to engineers. It is one of the top research facilities in the nation for Nueroscience, material science, and we do a lot of emissions testing for general motors. I would recommend this school to a chemical engineer. The education at lehigh is definitely geared towards getting a job. You learn to deal with the nonsense of the working world (writing research papers, learning to sell your ideas etc...)


Professors will generally know who you are and I've become very good friends with my professors. Meeting them for lunch and relating on a personal level is very common for many. There are many intellectual conversations outside of class and the students are EXTREMELY competitive and the work is hard and demanding. The Work Hard Play Hard mantra is completely accurate. Business School and Engineering is top notch, "Arts and Crafts" school as it is referred to is not as prestigious. Accounting and Finance recruiting on campus is stellar. Nearly all students in those two majors will have jobs well before graduation. Marketing recruiting leaves some to be desired.


Small classes with lots of interaction between students and professors.... know your name for the most part, especially if you are within your major and also if you participate I'm a math major and cant wait to be done with it...hahah if you really like to do math think of another major where your number crunching skills and logical thinking can be applied. That is unless you really are interested in theory. My advice is take a lot of classes is different departments thats how I found out i was good at computer science and can apply all of my math knowledge to that.


Being a chemical engineer, theres about 30-40 people in all of my classes. We are all very close and the professors in the department know everyones name. It is a really great group. Everyone helps eachother, it is amazing the things I can learn...and teach my classmates. I really enjoy the academic side at Lehigh. Everyone is really motivated but they don't stress too much and there isn't any competitiveness, everyone helps and suppots everyone else. Although we work hard, we know how to relax and have fun on the weekends.


One of my professors went so far as to take pictures of the class so that he could study them just so he would be able to place our faces to our name.


Its east to stand out because most people don't stick their necks out to get notice academically. Distribution requirement are a snap to fulfill. The bad thing about lehigh is the amount of time your with a TA and not a professor. Overall though, A degree from lehigh is a valuable thing.


Since most freshman classes are large lectures, you shouldn't really expect a professor to know your name, unless of course you go and talk to them outside of class for help (which is common). All professors and Teaching Assistants are required to have office hours, which students can stop by. Also Lehigh has a tutoring center as well if you are struggling with anything, so there is help if you need it. It is suggested that for every credit hour you get in class, you spend 2 hours studying outside of class. I could never study for that long, but I've known people who do study a lot. Honestly, the hardest part about college is managing your own time. No one is calling the shots for what your schedule looks like but you now, so it's a new responsibility, but once you got that down, things get easy. As I've said before, some professors are awful at teaching, but some are amazing, so if you know someone whose had a certain professor, or who has taken the class, ask them about it. You just need to know where to look. Of course opinions can vary.