Lehigh University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Lehigh University?


When you get to Lehigh you will be in mostly larger lecture introductory courses, but then as you move onto higher level courses the classes get smaller and much more personal. Professors are always very willing to help; they want you to be doing well in their course. Office hours are always very helpful--take advantage of them. What is also good is that you have a lot of flexibility with your major. You can do whatever you want at Lehigh. They have many integrated programs between schools, and they make it easy for you to switch schools if you change your mind about what you're interested in.


Most of my professors know my name... I actually love my major and i love all classes eventhough they r a little hard. Me and my friends always do discuss things outside of class, we always study together and prepare for exams together.. students study really hard, especially during exams, but that doesn't mean that students dont enjoy the Lehigh's life, the fun life and the beautiful campus..


Academics at Lehigh are definitely very important. Depending on the size of your classes, the professors usually know your name, but they also usually want to take it one step further and actually get to know you on a personal level. I know that I have one professor, in particular, who has gone above and beyond to push me to excel in his classes and really find out what I want to do with my life. He really cares about his students. He even has a Facebook because he thinks it will eliminate the weird barrier between students and professors. I call most of my professors by their first names and can definitely go to them for help on anything. Students at Lehigh study a great deal...at finals time. It depends on the person, some people go crazy studying throughout the semester, while others rarely show up to class, let alone prepare for exams. I think when it comes down to it, studying is a choice and most Lehigh students choose to do it when necessary. I'm a double major in Art with a concentration in Photography and Design Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design. I'm also working on a minor in Theater. These departments tend to be very relaxed. They focus on new ideas from students and generally rely on students to take the initiative with their own work. I love the art and design classes, but the studios are 3 hours, twice a week, which is a long time to focus. In general, its easy for students in these departments to find a professor to talk to about the future and career plans. I feel like even though Art and Design are not necessarily money making jobs, Lehigh strives to provide us with a general foundation and then will work to help us get a job as we graduate. I will say that I think the administration puts a lot of money in their engineering and business programs and neglects the art and design departments. I think that they focus a lot of their attention on these major programs, but a lot more could happen if they put more money into the College of Arts and Science.


Class size is really good. You can choose classes that will be more personable or you can choose lecture size classes. The professors for the most part are great. You'll always get a few boring ones but they are extremely smart. Students spend a TON of time in Linderman Library. Students are very competitive for grades because every student has always been on the top in high school. My major is Finance and Accounting and both programs are well known and prestigious. The accountin program just got ranked #1 in the nation in a national ranking based on students. I think Lehigh requires the perfect amount of liberal arts studies. Freshman year you can get most of your requirements out of the way. Lehigh's academics are tough but SO worth the effort.


Professors at Lehigh have been teaching for a very long time in most cases. This is both a good and bad thing. After teaching the same classes for 30 years, they're bored of it and don't really care at all. I imagine this is the case with most schools. In my senior year, i can only remember two classes where the teacher made learning the material a serious, and unnecessary, challenge whereas I've heard stories from other schools where whole departments are in this condition.


Lehigh has great academics, and work hard towards not only preparing their students for careers, but providing them with great jobs. One of my professors went so far as to take pictures of the entire classroom so he would be able to study everyone's faces so that he could memorize our names.


The academics are quite fantastic. Depending on the professor, he/she will know your name the first day of class or by the second month (especially if it is a big class); however, most teachers I have had no my name within two weeks. They dont remember your name only when you don't make an effort to do well. The great thing about Lehigh's academics is that they some many excellent programs that are quite recognized. I know engineers who are getting business degrees or Premed kids who are getting degrees in Comp. Science. Personally I am double majoring in Chemistry (Premed) and Classical Civilization. Yes, it is a wierd combination, but Lehigh's extensive catalog allows me to do that. By no means am I saying it has the catalog like Rutgers or Penn State has, but it is quite extensive for the size of the school. Additionally I do not know if this is a problem just with Lehigh or with all colleges, but the credit is a bit messed up. For example this past semester I did not more work in a 3 credit class as in my other 3 4 credit classes combined.


As with anything, you get out of it what you put in. Most of my teachers know me by name although I never made it a point to introduce myself. Most people study during the day and on Sunday. Intellectual discussion is not too rare outside of class although it tends to be in asking how something works or engaging in silly tangents to real stuff.


Classes are on the whole, very respectable. Large lecture style classes are filled with cheating and lack of attendance, and small classes contain a fairly nice mix of one-on-one teacher/student involvement and are very good on the whole.


Academics are superb at the school, our accounting department just got rated number one in the nation! The classes are generally around 30 students, unless your a freshmen or sophmore and taking intro level classes, but even so you have small recitations. Depending on the size of the class, attendance may or may not be taken for participation points and the professor may or may not know you personally. Ive had some really great experiences with professors in the business school and some bad ones, but that's going to happen everywhere. As I said, the students are deffinitely intelligent and there's lots of competition and diffcult courses. Being a business student, you get to know a lot of the people in the business school becasue there are so many required courses. The base of courses is definitely geared towards getting a job, especially if your an accounting or finance major. Overall the academics are definitely challenging but manageable, and you'll always find lots of people in either of the two libraries, before, between or after drinking!