Lehigh University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Lehigh University?

Is Lehigh University a good school?

What is Lehigh University known for?


The best thing about Lehigh is the people, professors, and food. I love all of the people I have met, they are very nice. The professors are available and accommodating as well. There a number of fantastic professors. There is also a variety of food and it is all very good. I would try to change school spirit, more access to open fields at Lehigh, and finding students from outside of New Jersey as they may have different different interests and experiences. The size is tricky. Most would say 4,500 or so is right in the middle and a perfect size. I feel that it is too small to provide great weekend comedians or performers because there is a lack of attendance and too small to concentrate on a few different majors as Lehigh attempts to span many different majors. They have spread themselves out a bit thin and are trying to accommodate to so many different organizations and majors. They have the mindset of a big state school feeling they can supply to any type of student, but don't have the resources...and maybe that's why it costs so much. People react positively when I tell them I go to Lehigh. It has a great reputation and students get great jobs out of school. Many high school students are drawn by the beautiful campus and the acceptance rate is staggering. I spend most of my time in the M&M the freshman dorm. I also go to the UC a lot to eat and on the weekends most students go up to the hill for parties or off-campus. I spend the majority of my time hanging out with friends im M&M though. "What college town," although there are enough muggings not to miss it. There are parts of South Bethlehem that are okay, right off campus, and I've eaten off campus a few times, but there is not much to do. However, there is plenty to do on campus so it has never been as issue. We have a new president this year and I know she and the administration are pushing studying abroad and the global studies department as well as kicking two fraternities off the hill. I think Sammy was an overreaction and you get the sense she does not like the Greek system. The global push is a good idea, but everyone going abroad by 2012 does not seem feasible, some students can barely afford tuition with financial aid and scholarships. Sammy being kicked off the hill had to be the biggest controversy towards the end of this year. For what all of the other fraternities do during pledging, the severity of the action of Sammy's pledge pales in comparison. It doesn't make any sense. There is school pride, but I feel that it is fake. Students aren't wearing all brown around campus and there is a lack of attendance at sporting events with the exception of the Lehigh Laf football game wrestling matches. Lehigh's hill makes it unique, I will never forget trying to run from the bottom of campus to the top. Students happen to complain about this a lot.


I love Lehigh. Its a smaller to mid size school. About 4500 undergrad total. I can walk around campus and say hi to a bunch of people and still meet people in my class that I've never even seen. Bethlehem isn't exactly the nicest place, there are some robberies off campus, you just have to be careful (like don't leave your iPod out in your car overnight.. dumb). As far as school pride goes... Lehigh has tons of it. You can visit and walk around campus and see all the Lehigh apparel everyone is sporting.


i would like to express a concern of mine here. i am very afraid of the town surrounding Lehigh and the people that live there. there are bums roaming the streets, people of all ages loitering all over the place, angry, foul mouthed, insulting children walking through our campus. thats just the tip of the ice burg. there are also a large population of "have not" individuals. i too am a have not, granted i go to college and am extremely blessed to have parents who have given up so much and worked so hard to put me where i am. anyway these towns people were raised in such a way that they clearly have no morals or boundaries in life. the people i am talking about are the muggers that continue to assault my peers. i am terrified to go off campus but i still wish to party (as all college students do) with my friends. while i am always careful when i go to these frats, i feel quite safe on campus. the dangers there are controlable. this year the campus police and school have put a large damper on the number of party options on campus. due to party busts students are begining to move off campus so as to avoid being written up or placed under any other sort of punishment. i hate the idea of partying off campus because tracs doesn't make it close enough to all of these houses. the streets are not safe and i am saying this from experience. 2 years ago in Allentown i was at an off campus Muhlenberg frat party and when it was over i followed people outside and got into a designated drivers car. or at least what i thought was one. it however was not and i was taken to a house far away, raped twice, and while being moved the morning after there was a car accident where the car i was in plowed into the back of a parked car at 35 miles an hour. i was able to get away and run 3 miles in 65 degree temperatures in a small shirt at 6:45 in the morning. i feel lucky today to have my life and i wish this campus would stop forcing us to move our parties into the horrible town. it is filled with mean people that do not like us at all. just let the underage drinking happen and keep us safe on our campus. you will be in a poor place if something like this were o happen on our campus, especially if they are not so lucky as me to escape. someone could loose their life and it will be on your hands.


The dorms are shitty--don't get me wrong they do the job but never expect to be clean or feel remotely comfortable The people are all incredibly smart but they can act very superficial out at parties or when trying to impress their friends or the opposite sex. If they aren't in class the brian is essential turned off. You will smoke pot at Lehigh. There is absolutely nothing to do in Bethlehem.. it boarders on one of the dullest and crime infested towns in America The lehigh cops arent out to protect lehigh students from crime but instead are looking to give citations to under age drinkers..they are all about turning around Lehighs reputation as a party school


I love Lehigh because it has a relatively small, highly intelligent and competitive student body. I would prefer that Lehigh be located in a more college-friendly neighborhood, but I always feel safe on campus. The campus is absolutely beautiful and the people are extremely friendly and outgoing.


best thing is the great friends I have made too expensive perfect size - if you meet someone on the weekend you are almost guarenteed to run into them during the week people are very impressed when i say i go to lehigh Rauch business center is where i spend most of my time def college town meshed with 'little puerto rico" its so much fun administration was better before alice gast biggest controversy - frat pledging getting out of hand i think there is a lot of school pride unusual - no, except everyone is some level of nerd (whether they want to admit it or not) it makes for a great, laid back atmosphere My freshman year was amazing, i met my best friends and i will never forget any of them not diverse, too expensive, early classes ( 8 am)


Lehigh is great- I feel like I have met people with many differing opinions and likes and it has really expanded my views and my likes as well. The size is pretty perfect, small enough that you know lots of people, feel comfortable, and class sizes are small. Big enough that there are lots of opportunities. The town of South Bethlehem is definitly underrated. Alot of students are afraid to venture off campus because of the not-so-hot reputation but it is an awesome place! There are lots of cool shops, galleries, and ethnic eateries within a few blocks of campus. It is also a really great place to volunteer. I started working with local kids twice a week and it is one of the best experiences I've had at college. Lehigh is also in a great location- 45 min. to Philly and an hour and 1/2 to New York City! I love being able to take a bus or quick drive to these amazing places. The freshmen dorms are tiny but upperclass living is awesome! In both situations I have made amazing friends and experienced a real sense of community and family. People stay on campus for the weekends, so it's a good place to be if home is far away or not too exciting. There are definitly lots of things to do- Greek life is big but there are concerts, performances, and excursions happening that are sponsored by student organizations or the Universtiy. I was terrified to come to college but Lehigh made the transition very easy and you couldn't pay me to go anywhere else!


I love the size of Lehigh and the accessibility of professors. The size is great because I don't know everyone but I will always see people I know around campus. Professors are always available to meet to get help on projects or concepts which differs from a lot of other schools. If you can't make their office hours, they will usually be able to find another time to meet with you. Most people do tend to spend time on campus however, a large part of the student population is from the area so certain weekends, a lot of people tend to leave. My mom loves the class sizes since during my freshman year, I only had two lecture classes of around 150 and every other class had 40 or less.


The academics do challenge you and are respectable. I would change the fact that there isn't really a unified campus of students, but rather separation and segregation. The higher administration seems to focus their attention on alumni money rather than on the students' best needs. The prices of food and bookstore products are way too high and the dining service, including meals and dining dollars, is a rip off. I think the school itself is a perfect size, there are still plenty of people I see walking the campus that I haven't met, yet there are plenty that I know quite well. The class sizes are also small enough to be able to meet your teacher on a more personal level. For the Art and Architecture and Design Arts departments, there are not enough teachers, which is very limiting and frustrating when trying to get into classes during the incredibly hectic time of class registration. There isn't really a town, although the Steel Mill provides quite the spectacle. It really is cool looking and interesting to check out every once in a while. For a business student, its history is quite interesting-its failure and what not. I think they are knocking most of it down though to build a casino and hotel. Sounds cheesy and cheap, but maybe to some, it will make the town more city-like. The North side of Bethlehem is charmingly old fashion and respectably proud of its history. The South side is totally different, poor, but housing is cheap! You either love Lehigh or hate it, and bondage is built within those two opinions. Either way, there are smart, charismatic people that walk this university paths; there are faculty members striving to help steer and teach young scholars, it just takes individual effort to take advantage of this.


The best thing about Lehigh is the network of alumni that you get plugged into once you're a student. You gotta keep in mind that the point of college is to get a degree, and Lehigh provides you with a degree that you can be proud to put down on your resume. Stuents spend most of their time on campus because the surrounding area is sort of a ghetto. It's not that Bethlehem is unsafe, but it's just not advisable for kids to walk around at night alone down there. That being said, a ton of students do live off campus their junior and senior years and its a pretty cool college atmosphere in the couple of blocks close to Lehigh. The things that students complain about most are the tuition and the police. Tuition has gone up 5{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} each of the last 2 years and is now at about 48k per year if you live on campus and buy a meal plan. The police have really cracked down on the party scene the past 2 years because 3 years ago Lehigh got ranked as the #3 party school in the country. Administration hated this, so the campus police force nearly doubled in size and kids seem to think that they are more concerned with breaking up parties than they are with actually keeping the area safe.