Lehigh University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Lehigh University?

Is Lehigh University a good school?

What is Lehigh University known for?


Lehigh is my favorite place in the entire world. It is the perfect size, right in the midrange of students. Students study really hard and party even harder. It has a very good reputation and will be easy to start a career upon graduation because of the great Career Service Center.


I love Lehigh; It is a great university. Lehigh has a very solid reputation; when i tell people that i go to Lehigh, they react in a very amazed way and say "you must be very smart". It is really a strong source of education. I can spend time and have fun in every single spot on the campus.


I love Lehigh. There are so many good opportunities that Lehigh presents its students, I'm sure I'm getting a fantastic education. For starters, I love the size of Lehigh. It's small enough that when you walk around campus, you always know or at least recognize most of the people you see, but big enough where you don't know everyone and everyone doesn't know you. I spend most of my time on campus either in the Performing Arts building (Zoellner) or in the Design building (Wilbur). Even though most people know Lehigh as an engineering school, we have excellent facilities for the arts. Up to date computer labs with the latest design software available to all students as well as unbelievable theater equipment for lights, sound, etc. One of the best things about Lehigh is that the professors who I've come across all care about their students. They want you to succeed and they will help you achieve your goals in their classes. I know specific professors who go out of their way to make sure that you get all the help that you need and teach you everything they know. They honestly care about you and what you want to do with your life. I feel like there is a lot of school pride, especially when it comes to the Lehigh-Lafayette rivalry (the oldest college rivalry in history). As for things to do off campus, you're pretty limited if you don't have a car. Bethlehem is a little scary at night, but as long as you're cautious, the Lehigh police try to patrol and do their best to keep everyone safe.


Opinions vary about the size of Lehigh: to each his own.;


It is the PERFECT size. You still see new faces every day but you know a large percentage of the people. Sports events are a lot of fun and the athletic teams like to support each other. The campus is absolutely gorgeous and you stay in shape walking the mountain everyday. The town has its positives and negatives. North side of Bethlehem is amazing and gorgeous while south side is a little shaky but still a great place to go to school. The biggest issue I have with Lehigh is the parking services. They are very serious about their parking rules and they go overboard....so I guess if that's my biggest complaint then thats pretty good. :-)


Lehigh is ideally placed between south side Bethlehem and a huge amount of unoccupied land. You are easily able to find something to do in the city that is within walking distance if you're willing to look. On the other hand, we're far enough away that break-ins and muggings aren't very likely. Living off campus is a crap shoot and there isn't enough on campus housing to make up for the demand.


Lehigh is a great school. Great academics, beautiful campus. As a student who just finished my first year I can't wait to get back to lehigh this August. The surrounding town gets a bad rep, but you have to give it a chance, and once you explore Bethlehem you realize that its a pretty fun place, while yea there are bad parts of it, there are bad parts of every town. I highly recommend going greek, its pretty big at lehigh and its adds greatly to the overall lehigh experience. In fact once I went greek that was when I really started to LOVE lehigh. I have made so many friends and have tons of memories that i will look back on for years to come.


The Best thing about Lehigh is the academics and the friendliness of most of the teachers and students. The school size is perfect (around 1000/class). This may sound big but it isn't and especially when you declare your major you will recognize almost everyone in your classes. Even though Lehigh doesn't have a huge reputation (Half of the people I talk dont really know Lehigh and the other half ask if I am an engineer), the reputation is growing quite a bit and expanding, i.e. the business program is also getting very popular and recognized. The surrounding area of Bethlehem is by no means a college town. Honestly except for off campus parties I go off campus to eat, etc. like 7-8 times a semester, and that was when I had a car. Freshmen year I left campus maybe 5 times all year. The safety is not too great especially if you are by yoursef or/and it is past dark. This year I have recieved emails about almost 20 different muggings right off campus. This is the only major issue I have lehigh, besides the huge greek life, which is not even that bad. It seems like the police spend all their time on the hill trying to bust underage drinking, when people cannot walk 5 feet off-campus without fearing of being mugged. It is quite ridiculous. I feel like nothing will change until someone gets killed off-campus, which is quite a damn shame. I mean the policemen seem nice, but the whole situation is quite pathetic. Saying that, Bethlehem is not like walking into the Projects. During the day there are a lot of nice places to eat and across the bridge to North Bethlehem is quite nice, but do not walk alone at night.


Best thing is the old part of campus with beautiful architecture. Most lehigh girls are the stereotypical new jersey sorority dumb blonde girls. There's not enough school pride. People mostly like Lehigh/Laf weekend because of the tailgates. Lehigh's administration is way to beauracratic. The different departments don't work together to make things easier. I've heard of someone running between the registrar, bursar's office, and financial aid several times just to get a paycheck.


It's wonderful. It looks historic, which it is. It's beautiful, although on quite a hill. As such, don't expect to see many physically handicapped kids. Pride is high, almost a quarter of my wardrobe now has Lehigh on it somewhere.