Lehigh University Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Lehigh University?

Is Lehigh University a good school?

What is Lehigh University known for?


Best thing about lehigh: first semester. between tailgates and open fraternity parties TWO things I would change: the desire of the police force to give anyone under 21 an underage drinking citation, and the difficulty of classes. The size is just right Anyone who has heard of the school is usually impressed unless they have a relative who went to an ivey. Most of my time spent on campus is with my friends in different fraternities. Just because you arent in one doesnt mean you cant hang out at one. what college town? Lehigh's administration isnt the greatest. From the horribly arranged payment system to how they handle "incidents" ranging from fooling around in the dorms to underage drinking is somewhat ridiculous. Biggest recent controversy: a pledge from one of the fraternities was found with a BAC of .505. That fraternity is now in tons of trouble School pride is in its prime during football season. nothing unusual about lehigh


lots of drunks. campus is moving off campus which is a hell hole. school is trying to eliminate greek life despite "trying to help us"


The best thing about Lehigh is that everyone is part of such a community. I recognize enough faces walking to class that I feel at home, but not so many that I feel like I know everyone. One thing I would change is the administration's attitude towards Greek life. I am not Greek, but sometimes they can be a bit harsh. The fact that fraternities are routinely kicked off the Hill is absurd, excepting when that motion is merited, which, as far as I can tell, it is not always. When I tell people I go to Lehigh, most people ask if I'm an engineering major. I am, but that's not really fair to ask. Lehigh's business school is also amazing, and although most everyone calls the arts and sciences college the "College of Arts and Crafts," it is also amazing. When on campus, I spend most of my time in Hawk's Nest (a late-night eatery on campus) or in the library. I spend a lot of time in my dorm room too, but the hallways are always bubbling with something going on, so it's not like I feel locked up. Lehigh's administration is good, for the most part. Sometimes it is a bit harsh in dealing with Greek life, but it is usually good. Most administrative department are really friendly and willing to help you out, even if that means bending the rules a bit. Things are pretty relaxed. The biggest recent controversy was the thievery of the waffle iron from Rathbone. I'm told it was part of a pledge event for one of the fraternities. The staff at Rathbone had a minor panic and tightened up security for a few days, but that was it. I think they're buying a new waffle iron sometime soon. Lehigh has TONS of school pride. People are constantly wearing their brown and white and people love talking to tour groups about how awesome Lehigh is. The rivalry with Lafayette is also pretty intense and most athletic events are well attended. Lehigh is very unusual because it is built on a mountain. Many aspects of life here are somewhat different because of this. For instance, kegs are banned on campus because some fraternities used to roll them down the hill and make pledges jump over them. You also try not to go back to your dorm more than once during the day because most of them are uphill. You also get used to the fact that almost every building here is built into a mountain. So, you generally enter a building in the front on the first floor and exit out the back on the third floor. There's also a bus that takes people up the hill. The hill is a good thing though. Everyone here is in pretty good shape from hiking to and from class every day.


Lehigh is the perfect size school because on any given day you can walk through campus and be able to say hi to a few passing friends but at the same time not know every single person. Pretty much it's hard to get lost in the shuffle but at the same time not know every single person on campus. When most people find out that I go to Lehigh, the general reaction is either one of the following: wow, that's a really tough school, or so are the parties really that crazy?


I'd change the town around us - it's a ghetto. We really need to improve the area.


I could go on about Lehigh forever. One of the greatest things about our school is that no matter which college you apply to-be it engineering, business or arts and sciences-you can switch into one of the other schools by simply signing a waiver-no reapplying like at most other schools. While Bethlehem as a college town kind of sucks-it does fit all our needs-I am in walking distance from grocery stores, gift shops, eateries, and both a cvs and rite-aid. There's also movie theatres and a good mall complete with a cosi only about ten minutes away, so location isn't much of a problem. Another awesome thing about Lehigh is the size. I had such a hard time finding a school that was bigger than 2,000, but small enough that i had a sense of familiarity. I am a really outgoing individual and yet I still feel like i am continuously meeting people. Being a freshman on this campus might be the best place to ever be a freshman. Greek life caters to freshman as they aim to attract the best new member classes in the spring, and sports teams love new additions of their freshman recruits. Even freshman boys have it good-always being wined and dined during rush and pre-rush, playing paintball and being treated to steak dinners in phili. What would I change? While people do come to sporting events I wish we had a little more school pride, and people went to the games and not just the amazing tailgate (especially for a smaller school.) Our rivalry with Lafayette is infamous and incredible popular, and basically all our spirit is ignited in o ne week of Lehigh-Lafayette festivities. The best part about Lehigh is the people- I had a very common misconception that everyone here would be rich, spoiled and self serving, but i have honestly made the best friends, with the most real and generous of people.