Lehigh is a place for the kids in high school that were smart (mentally smart enough to get into the Ivy's) but were able to do the minimum on their smarts and still get very good grades and scores. The campus at Lehigh is on the side of a mountain, with the pinnacle, and highest up on campus, being the frats and sororities on "The Hill." Lehigh social life is driven and controlled by drinking and fraternity life with little options to explore elsewhere in the community or at lehigh for that matter.
Lehigh is a great school! The school is a pretty good size, you get to know a lot of people and will see at least a couple familiar faces walking around on a random day, but you don't know everyone (you're deffinitely not lost in the crowd). The campus itself is absolutely beautiful, especially in the spring and fall and although South Bethlehem isn't too fabulous, you're right by Allentown, and only an hour from Philly, so there's enoguh to do. It's an AMAZING school, lots of work and LOTS of partying. Most people are in business and engineering majors, which are botch very competitive and challenging. Don't get me wrong though, it's not all work! Greek life is HUGE on or campus, and whether or not you're in a fraternity or sororrity the amount of parties and whatnot surrounding the greek life makes for an amazing time!
I wish Lehigh was a little bigger.. It is nice knowing a lot of people but gets old by senior year. South Bethlehem is horrible and keeps getting worse- the north side is nice though.
I think Lehigh is the perfect size school for me. I wasn't looking for a large school where i would get lost in the crowd but i also didn't want a very tiny school either. I found that Lehigh offered a little bit of both. Our campus is beautiful. The library, the dorms, the dining areas, and the pretty pathways are all places i like to spend my time on campus.
Lehigh University is a fantastic place and I couldn't possibly be happier anywhere else. Yes, it is rather annoying to climb the mountain a few times a day to get to and from class, especially when you're burdened with a backpack full of textbooks. However, mostly because of all the stairs, I'm in the best shape of my life! Granted, I am a student-athlete and therefore have to work out every day, but all of my friends who are non-athletes say the same thing. If you gain the "freshman 15" here, it's probably because of all the leg muscle you gain.
Lehigh is a perfect fit for anyone looking for a school that's not too big and not too small. It has a big school "feel" in that you'll meet someone new every day and everyone turns out to cheer on our sports teams, especially football and wrestling. Still, Lehigh is small enough that no student will ever get lost in a shuffle. No one is a mere number here. We're a big family.
A cool thing I found out about Lehigh when I got here was that Lehigh is becoming part of something we call the "New Ivy League." When many students hear the names Harvard and Yale, they automatically assume they can't get in, so they apply to less well-known schools like Lehigh. Because of this, Lehigh's rejection rate is increasing substantially. I'm told in the next few years, it will actually be harder to get into Lehigh than into an Ivy League school. But don't let that discourage you!
The best thing about Lehigh is that there is something for everyone here. We have musical groups, communtity service organizations, various clubs, Greek life, varsity and intramural sports, student government and academic honors organizations, to name a few. Students here can participate in anything from club soccer to ballroom dancing classes to Habitat for Humanity. No matter what you're interested in, there's always a place for you.
The best thing is how friendly people are and the general atmosphere. I'd change the attempt to cut down on the greek life. I think the size is just right, you know alot of people but not everyone. The reaction is usually a greek reference or a good school reference. I spend most of my time at my sorority house. "What college town?" Administration sucks right now. Two houses just got kicked off the hill - one for no real reason. There is a decent amount of school pride, in a funny way. The hill is the most unique part of Lehigh, its where all the greek houses are located at the top of the mountain. I'll always remember Greek Week opening ceremony. Complaints are that we live on a mountain.
The best thing about Lehigh is all the resources it provides. I would get rid of the parking meters. We already pay so much to go to school here and it's absurd to have to pay more to park our cars when we go to class. I think Lehigh is too small. When I tell people I go to Lehigh they assume that I'm very smart. I spend most of my time in my house or in the library. Definately "what college town"? there is a sufficient amount of school pride. most frequent complaints are about parking
The campus is absolutely beautiful and the size and location are pretty great too. One thing I would change is the mentality of the typical Lehigh student. Bethlehem is not such a great town, but its on its way to make big improvements. The administration is decent right now, but I don't think they're really trying to keep tradition alive. There's a decent amount of school pride, but people don't go to the games enough.
The best thing about Lehigh is that every one seems really happy to be at Lehigh. If I were to change one thing, I would improve the safety of the dorms. People are easily able to swipe in and out of buildings. I like the size of the school because I recognize people everywhere I go but there are still a lot of people I can meet. Bethlehem is not much of a college town so Lehigh seems to be a bubble.
School spirit is at a minimum, football is ok but most leave after tailgates, you won't see many students at any other events on campus. There is no college town, most students never wander off campus.