If I had the opportunity to talk to myself senior year of high school, I would advise myself to write down all of my goals down for the school year and strictly stick to that. Taking time to chart out what happens with each moment is very important. There will be distractions that will arise, and try to change the course or path but staying focused on a goal will always bring things into perspective. There will be more drive and dedication to complete assignments before anything else. The most important thing above all is to keep a company of people that are liked minded and are headed in the same direction. The company that is kept around will either influence or be influenced.
The advice I would give myself is to love myself. Love everything about me from my size to my hair. I would let my younger self know that she is so smart and the ideas about herself that she has been told and has told herself are true. She will be great and can be whatever she wants. Also what has happen to her in her past doesnt define her future and everyone she meets is not out to get her and hurt her. I would telll her she is beautiful and is loved by many. I would tell her to try harder in school and really apply herself. Challenge herself to make the grade she needs to excel not the grade she need to just past. I would tell her to keep dreams and dont lose sight of them no matter what anyone else has to say about them. I would tell her she is a force to be reckoned with when she applies herself. I would say to her she is a survivor and let her know it's gets so much better, she just has to hold on.
If I could go back in time as a high student giving advice from my college experience I would stress on how important time management is, especially when if you are involved in a lot of extracurricular activities on campus as well as trying to manage your academics. Learning to be on your own after having your parents be the one to tell you when things to be done to having to do it on your own is very challenging, in which I wish someone was around to prepare me for college in high school about time managent. Being a typical excited freshman I was so ready to be a part of different clubs or organizations that in reality I knew I would not be able to handle along with my academics. Managing your time helps you plan and control any amount of time for specific activities and not go over time to make sure you get every thing else donee that was planned for the day instead of cramming things in. If you can manage your time wisely college will be a breeze and everything will get done without stress.
From the knowledge i have gain from being a college student i would tell myself to stay focus and work harder in school. I was not a person who really cared as much about school as i do now and that had been a huge handicap. The best advice i would give is stay focus when it come to apply for school as well as looking for scholarships. I i had a second chance i would look up alot more scholarships as well as different types of financial that could better help me while going to school. Take full advantage of not paying for school and make more of an attemp to be the best possible student that i could be. I would also tell myself to give back to my community by doing more different types of communitie service.
High school senior David, if you think you’re stressed now, just wait. I know you think everything will fall into place, but if you want everything to be easier later, put in the work now. That procrastination habit you have will not get you very far and it will be a very rough awaking when slaps you in the face in college. You really should get going on signing up for scholarships now; you wouldn’t believe how many you qualify for! I know you’re smart, so you should use that intelligence to your advantage by working as much as possible during the summer and save up so you can have some funds to fall back on during the semester. You should also quit trying to chase girls right now, believe me, there are so many more in college and you should not be burdening yourself with unnecessary stress, your 17, you don’t need to be worried about girls yet! Above all, I know you will do great in whatever you do, just don’t let anybody or anything discourage you from your dream. Take responsibility, and never give up.
The advice I would give myself as of now since I've experienced the college life, I would tell myself to save all of my checks from work. Saving money really helps, for when you need to pay for your own books every semester for four years. Even with school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, bookbag and food. After graduating high school I would say still keep up with my reading, because reading books is a very important thing to do in life even if your not in school. Going straight to college is a very smart thing to do, but I would have met a lot of people for the fall semester instead of coming in the spring semester. I would also, advise myself to stay really focus on my studys in high school instead of being into sports, because the knowlegde from high school is really important for college, even though high school my seem pointless and easy it's very important for college also. High school material is connected to college material in every way. Therefore, if I had told myself these things in high school I would have been prepared for my first semester of college.
If I could talk to myself as a highschool senior I would tell myself to pay attention! Pay attention all of your surroundings once starting your college caree. Pay attention to the people around you. Not everyone one is your friend, people are not to be trusted. When someone shows you who they truly are pay attention. Pay attention to deadlines, procrastination is probably the worst thing that man could ever do, so do your work before the deadline. Pay attention to time, time is everything and not a thing to waste. Pay attention the campus, get invloved you don't want to just be another student you want to leave your legagcy. Pay attention to proffesors, advisors etc it is important to establish relationships with these people. It is not what you know, it is who you know. Pay attention yourself aswell, if you see yourself going in a direction that is not you, come out of it and go to the direction that is where you want to be. Just pay attention.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare better for my future. The key to doing so starts with choosing the best institution from and academic and financial standpoint. That means choosing the best institute in my home state to save money if necessary. From there, you must have a goal as well as a plan and stick to it. I would encourage myself to avoid the making social life the priority over my academic life to ensure that I reach my goal of completion in a timely manner. Lastly, I would take advantage of extracurricular and scholarship opportunities to enhance my resume and financial future.
I would tell myself that the plans you have now are not what you will be doing. Learn to go with the flow. Never give up and keep pushing on. You will do greater things with your life than you think you will. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and keep your head up high. You can do it and you will go far!
I would tell myself to take as many honors and advance placement classes in math and science as I could. I would insist that my high school self accept a full class schedule for both semesters in high school. I would remind myself that I am my biggest obstacle and not to get in my own way; develop a plan and stick to it. I'd tell myself to remember to do what is best for you.