As you are finding the right college to attend make sure you visit it and like it. Then be sure your family is financially able to pay for that school. Next fill out alot of applications early so you have more than one option. Once you get accepted get good grades first and then you can have a fun time like partying, and going out.
My advice would be if someone have big hopes and ambitions the right choice starts in high school. First you need to have good grades, GPA, SAT scores to get into any college. If you want to get into a good college then allof those things needs to be very achieving. If you're determined to well and have confidence you will excell with no problems. Your college experience is the best years of your life that you'll always remember. So you should want to make your college experience the best time of your four years.
The advice i would give to family and students looking for the perfect school is to reasearch the school you think you like and some that you may not like. It is good to take a tour and talk to some students about the school you look at. when you pick a school don't pre judge it make sure to give the school a fear opportunity to grow on you. when you pick a school pick it for your self and no one else because sometimes when you pick it for other people u tend to start something you dont finish and college it a great experience and i think that everyone should do it.
When choosinh a school look for professor to student ratios, on campus academic suuport systems sometimes its not all about the tution, its about what institution can provide the best schooling for your academic career
Ask a lot of questions. Go visit the college during abnormal times to see what the college is really like. Plan financially. Choose a school that will work for you. Learn all that you can, you are only an undergraduate one time. Enjoy your college experience but don't allow yourself to loose sight of your goals and dreams. Decide within yourself that you want to do something that makes you happy and use the thought of achieving that goal drive you to do the very best that you can.
I saw the best way is to visit the collge. Make sure you fill at home. That is how I pick Lincoln unversity. i went to open house and as I walk around the campus, I felt like I was at home. Everybody welcome me with open arms. Make sure the student is comfirtible, speacilly if this is there first time being away from home.
As a graduating senior I advise students when searching for schools to think about how the school will advance them in whatever career they hope to achieve. Will the environment benefit their learning and will the money be well spent.
It is important to find a school where you and your parents feel most comfortable. You have to remember that you are spending your money on a four year college education. College should feel like a second home, a place of where you enjoy staying. When you graduate you want to be able to encourage other students to attend the school you went to. Do not choose a school because all of your friends are there, choose a school where you feel you will succeed.
If I were to give anyone advice on college decision I would definitely insist that parents and students visit the campus of their choice. A school may look great on paper but can be a whole different experience once you step on campus. Students and parents want to know what to expect from their school and that is why college visits are vital in the selection process. I would also advise students to become involved in their college once they make their decision on where they will go. The only way to get all that your campus will offer is to get involved. Clubs, organizations, and sports team will open up many options and opportunities for students that will benefit them in their future years. College is what you make of it!
Honestly, it doesn't depend on the ranking, perceptions, or even environment, you need to go to a place that you feel you will grow emotionally, academically, and socially, and sometimes that is a small school and sometimes its a large school. In the end it isn't the school but what you make of it. So don't stress so much about choosing but rather having a positive attitude when you get there.