Besides furthuring my education at Lincoln University, college life has introduced me to some amazing people. At Lincoln University we have many organizations and oppurtunities to get to know one another. Both the educational part and the away from home part make my college life great. It's great to know I have so many resourses to make me grow as a person and student.
My college experience at Lincoln University has changed my life forever. Growing up I was always a shy kid and had low self esteem due to being in out of the foster care system . Therefore, when I went away to college it gave me an opportunity to spread my wings llike a butterfly and soar into independence. It was at Lincoln University that I had the opportunity to get out my shell because was I far from home and at a place I knew no one. Therefore, with the help of my peers I learned how to socialize and not have a fear of not being accepted because I was a product of the foster care system. I am grateful for the experiences at Lincoln because it has shaped me into a woman who is more knowledgeable about my African American History, more confident, and with a greater sense of knowing the importance of helping others who may be face with similar dilemmas like mine.
I am learning a lot of life lessons while attending Lincoln University. I am learning to be more responsible and accountable. Other attributes I am learning include credibility, time management, punctuallity, and financing. All of which are valuable because I will need to maintain these qualities when I graduate.
so far my college experience has been a journey everything that I ever learned I faced here or had to put it to use here from small things such as keeping my room clean at all time to major things such as time management. I learned alot about myself I learned how to keep in touch with my family and god number one at all times although it is easier said then done but like anything or everything else it takes time and work consistently. I am enjoying my college experience. I have met some of the greatest people while I been here and also seen alot of hurtful things, I feel like I need these experience in order to become a better man later one so Im keep praying and working hard cause that never fails no matter what. Thank you for a chance to express myself and tell others how I feel.
So far I'm just happy to be able to get away from home and understand what it means to take care of myself. Many of the students here go home a lot so some might not come back because of that. I also find it very educational for me to be around many more black people since I always went to very diverse high schools and middle schools and even elementary schools. Being in a prodominently black university gives me a better understanding of how my people act and handle themselves in their everyday lives. I'm learning more about myself while enjoying being away from home.
i have learned how to be more social. it has been valuable to attend because i made good friends and and have teachers that care about my education
The most valuable lesson that I learned while attending a HBCU, an all black College or university, looks can be deceiving. Visting this college of choice I thought that this would be a good opportunity to have a college dedicated to minorities. However, although it is sometimes a challenge to understand the professors, the university gives me a good degree of learning. I am most disappointed with how the facilities are taken care of. I almost feel that because it's a minority school, those who operate it treat it as if it were of lower class. This has been a learning experience in that I value my college education, but often think that my college does not value me. This has been a valuable lesson in that I will choose my college more wsiely, by asking more in depth questions about the facilities. I would ask many students their honest opinions about attending.
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." -- Chinese Proverb
As a high school senior, I always felt like everything should be handed to me, however I learned that in college that is not at all the case. There is a certain amount of responsibility and independance that one must gain while in college because in that atmosphere your on your own. Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, the advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be , be prepared for the workload about to be placed in front of you for no one will baby you through it, learn responsibility and independance because a vast amount of it is needed to succeed in college, fill out a multitude of scholarships because college is indeed expensive, remain determined and never immulate, imitate or impersonate someone who has nothing going for themselves, and just be your own person and follow what you believe in, there are alot of "bad" distractions which will make it hard to stay focused however, impossible is just im possible put together. "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." -- Chinese Proverb
if i were able to go back in time as a high school senior i would prepare my self different. Knowing what i know now about college life would make it much more easier. If i could go backin time i would change the proccess i went about looking for a college. I played baseball so i went about the selection proccess by the best team at the time. I would tell myself to do the best i can and to keep myself motivated regardelss of the situation. Last year my mother was diagnosed with intestinal cancer and was going through the worst times of her life. If hurt me seeing her in pain andnot being able to nothing about it. Knowing that i could have been done with school already and have my carrer hurt me because i felt like i had to show my mother i could make something of myslef. Thats why i would go back to high school and tell myself to not give up no matter the situation because in the long run it will benefit not only me but the ones that i love and care for the most.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would say, Tyleeka, you have came a long journey. Do not give up on teh math class that you thought was too hard to take, and take everything one day at a time. Make time for yourself, and before you can love anyone you have got to love yourself. Do not be afraid to take stand up for what you believe in, and always walk with a smile on your face. Go to the Financial Aid office everyday, and the Bursar's too, even though you know the lines be hectic. Apply for as many scholarships as you are eligible for, and attend those tutor sessions that are avaiable for you. Even though you dont think SGA is the organization for you, continue to do a great job at it and smile because you know it was meant for you. Do not focus on the past, but today, because now is a gift that is why it is called the present. If you ever have a serious situation with your roommate, go to Public Safety and RC when you know that something is wrong.