Lincoln University-Lincoln University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lincoln University-Lincoln University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that balancing school work is very important. Being able to differentiate social life with academic life is a very important aspect of college. Even though I have been doing very well in college, I would have made better decisions such as studying longer and choosing my friends wisely. I would tell myself not to be afraid to ask questions. In order to get what you want in life, you have to be proactive and dedicated to your learning experience. I would say choose your friends wisely because everyone does not want to see you succeed. A saying that I find important and that would have been helpful before my college experience would be "Don't deposit valuable information to negative people because you will always wind up with a bounced check". This means that negative people will not always support your goals or support you as a person. I would not have known this if it was not for experience. I would tell myself to appreciate where you come from because everyone is not allowed this great opportunity.


If I could go back, I would tell myself to be more prepared. College is like a full time job, where you work seven days a week and the only time off is summer time. You have to learn how to manage time such as; studying, sleeping , eating and being with friends. Also, there may be times when there is no time to eat but going to class on an empty is never good. Learning how to pick good friends comes over time, choosing the wrong crowd of friends will reflect on your GPA. When there is a subject that is hard, never be ashamed to ask for help. When a professor knows you are trying, they will help you get a better grade in the class. Also, make sure that if you have a job do not let it make you loss focus of the ultimate goal. All your focus has to be on getting good grades in all classes; in order, to have a good gpa so when the time comes you can receive academic scholarships. College life is a good experience once you find your true friends, manage time good and get involved in clubs on campus.


I would tell myself that there is nothing to truly worry about. Its ok to have fun, but always remember that school comes first. If you become lost in having too much fun you will slip on your work. That goes the same for relationships. Relationships so early in your college career can mess up and get in the way of your class work and other school related activities. You can become lost and forget what is most important to you. My final statements would be to never wait to try new things, like a sport or choir. They can help you to learn a lot and can change your life for the better.


The main thing that I would stress to myself is to, STAY ABOVE THE INFLUENCE! In one year I've seen a lot of people change because of peer pressure. Many people go to college and think that they have a chance to "start over." All depending on where you attend school, this is very true. Everyone wants to be cool, but one has to remember to respect themselves, their body and their family. Don't go to college and be someone you're not! I would also tell myself to stay focus and get great grades. Be a serious student and grow great relationships with your professors. Make your professors see that you are a serious student. The main thing is to juat stay true to yourself, get good grades and have fun! That's the motto.


Jamila, I know you can't wait to head out and be on your own, but you have to know things are diffrent. College is a completely diffrent world than highschool. Mom won't be there to make sure you get to class on time. The teacher won't ask why you didn't do your homework or make any effort if you don't. you must be prepared to study constantly because remeber these classes aren't free, Loans you have to pay back and you need good grades and a high GPA if you want a scholorship. Don't get to caught up in that party lifestyle it will only bring you down. it's okay to have fun, however realize that you grades is on the line and failing is not an option. I am positive you'll be fine as long as you stay out of trouble, get to class, limit partying and stay in your books you'll be fine. Remeber your paying for your educations so do good and free money will be there.


Though out my life I have held my self to top expectations for everything I have done. I became a certified bicycle technician at the age of 16 not because of tutors or backing out with excuses but because I put my full self forward. I grew up under a blanket of having a “learning disability” and having a mind set that I did not need to hold my schoolwork to the same level as everything else. It was not that I was incapable of doing the work in anyway. I always got my work done I just did not push my self past the minimum. I accepted that “I needed a tutor” and if I could not get something done it was because of my dyslexia. What I would tell my self is that if I get out from under the blanket of excuses and use the standards I have set for my bicycle shop career in school then I will succeed. I understand now that there’s nothing wrong with asking for help but if I spend the time and figure it out, I will get a lot farther in life.


I would tell myself to live up to my full potential. I would have accepted the invitation to join the Horace Mann Bond Honors Program on my campus, but I second guessed my confidence in handling the work load so I turned it down. Now as a upcoming senior, I wish I had accepted the invitation my freshman year when it was offered to me. I have always had a problem with being confident in myself with my academics and beliefs, but as I have progressed through college I have definately become more confident and strong in my beliefs, values, and morals.


The advice I definitely would have gave myself would be to remain focused at all times. The transition of beign a High School Senior and an Undergraduate Student is a big difference. It is very necessary to be able to balance being a a student and maintaing a social life. As much as these are suppose to be the best four years of ones life, it must never be forgotten what the goal of being in college is, and that is getting an education. This is an extremely expensive but very necessary and smartest investments of ones life.


Dear old Alicia, Yes, as expected, you made it to college. Now there are a few things that I need to advise you of in preparation for your arrival into this realm of adulthood. First things first, continue to keep your eye on the prize, as you always have, and always keep in mind that your education comes before EVERYTHING at college because not only are you going to be paying for it but because it is also fundamental to your betterment both personally and financially. Secondly, please keep in mind that people come from different places than you do and your interactions and friendships that you had at home are definitely not going to be the same in college. People are going to judge like they have never before and you just have to keep the strength and the will to remain true and committed to being exactly who you are deep down inside. Lastly, remember to keep God as an imperative factor in your life and learn to trust in him that all things are possible through prayer, belief and faith. Stay positive and don't ever EVER give up on yourself. Love, Alicia the College Freshman


"Dont be afraid to be yourself". That is the number one thing I would have told my High School self. When entering college I became so nervous, shy, and afraid to be myself. I ended up with two great roomates that allowed me not to completely lose myself. When entering High School I experienced the same problem of being shy and reserved temporarily until I found a group of friends that appreciated my bubbly and outgoing personality. By graduation I had obtained a large group of female friends that I remained close with well through college. My main regret for both High School and college would be that I did not involve myself in school activities or showcase my many talents. Talents that I have are unknown to many, when they are so spectacular that they should have been known to all. The same goes for my true personality. To my high school self I would tell her to Stay strong, Confident, Beautiful, and blow the Lincoln University campus away with your presence!