Keep striving for the goals that you have already set for yourself. You are going to run into obstacles and adverse situation but you have to remember that as with any storm, this too shall pass. Don't get discouraged easily and keep on trucking. You don't want to stretch yourself thin with to many organizations either, just keep your head in the books and everything will be fine. But most of all, have FUN because before you know it, it won't be here anymore!
If i could go back in time as a high school senior the advice that I would give myself knowing what I know now is to remain focus. College is what you make of it. Its the first chance that students get to become soley independent and responsible of themselves. You make the decisions for yourself and no one is there to tell you what to do. You have to be responsible enough to wake up each morning and go to class. You have to be determined enough to take full advantage of your education and all that it has to offer.
Choose a college based on what type of person you are. Don't choose a college based on what type of college your friends are attending. And look at the schools acdemics and where the school is located. Decide whether the school is meant for you. And than look at the price. This is your choice you have to go there for four years, so don't choose a college that will make your parents happy or friends. it's all about you now.
My name is Darnell M. McCleary I am currently a junior at Lincoln University. I would have to say this is one of the most important decisions in your life . You should apply to a college or University that best fits you as a person and provides the most knowledge and expertise in the field that you are most interested. In other words do your research and you will have a better view of the university or college that is best qualified to meet your needs. Thank you for listening to my opinion and I hope you find college as fun and interesting as I do because this is a great endeavor to complete in life.
To make sure your freshman year you do well so you can establish a high GPA.
I think prospective college students should visit different college campuses as well as talk to the students, faculty ,nd staff of that particular school. I believe parents should be involved but they should trust their child to make the ultimate decision on what college is best for them. In my experience I would advise the students to make he most of this experience and become actively involved on the campus and stay totally committed to academics. I would also recommend community sevice projects because serving the community and doing something beneficial to someone else for pure reasons makes a person feel so much better about themselves and in turn makes a positive difference in one's life.
I would tell parents to consider their childs like and intrest. I would recommend student visit the campus to see the diffrent activities that take place on campus. I would aslo tell both parents and prespective students make the most and visit as many schools as possible before making a choice.
Make sure your child visits the schools and is really sure about going there, because some people get to college and hate there school. I know alot of different students who have transfered because they did not like the school. also the parents need to take a visit to the school also. College is a wonderful experience , there are so many differnt oppurtunites when going to college . parents should also begin lookin for colleges early. Start saving money , because i am struggling now tryn to get threw college because i did not save money in the past. some people say college is not for evryone, but i believe that is lie. I really did not like school when i was in high school, but every since i went to college i love school.
go on campus tours they are very informative
The best advice that I can give parents and/or students about making the most of their college experience is to make sure they pick a school that best suits them because it is important to know that during their time at school, they must adapt, and it will be difficult to adapt to an environment that they least feel comfortable in. Also, any experiences that they come across, whether they are negative or positive, take them as a stepping stone and learn from them because experiences are what helps you live and progress, so do not get discouraged but rather be open-minded about them. Finally, someone's college experience should be beneficial, exciting, and full of positive exposures to different types of people and activities, so just cherish and embrace their surroundings and take advantage of the resources and activities that the school offers.