The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Midwestern State University is 74%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
I would tell myself to think about what I want to do and not let the desires and needs of others influence the decisions I make regarding school. I went in thinking I knew what I wanted to do, but really it was the convenience that drew me to it. Now I know that I should follow my heart and do what feels right to me. I wasted more than a year in school because I thought I was doing what would help me have a better life. I'm thankful that I went through it though- because I now know that it was completely the wrong path for me. It helped me realize I'm not that person and what kind of person I truly am. I think the experience has helped me however, because now i know I am on the right path. But I sure would have liked to have known which was the right path when I was still in high school!
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What's unique about your campus?
The many things that are available to students activites, places to get help if needed for learning and so. People can make the most out of the college in the way that they choose if there are many options available drawing in a more diverse student body.
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Describe the students at your school.
Evryone in the music department gets along for the most part, there is some drama, but my classmates are helpful for those that need help and don't exclude new students.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Midwestern is well known for rigorous mathematics and science programs. Also, we are a well-known liberal arts college. We are a medium-sized school, but we have promising academic programs and helpful professors.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I wish that I had know a better to way to study before starting the semester. There are a lot of opportunities out there for help with studying and everyone should take advantage of these.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
Sometimes there is nothing to do. A lot of places close early and everyone knows that college students are up late. The location can be rough too being that I had to drive for seven to eight hours to arrive. I wish that I could plant this school in San Antonio so that I could have finished my degree because it is just too far for the direction my path is headed - big places.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
I believe Midwestern State University is a good fit for anyone looking for a great education and a little variety to go along with it. There are many differenty activities and extracurricular events to fit almost any personality.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
As a student, one of the most important thing that we look for is "privacy", or a place we can call our own, and make it feel like our home away from home. Midwestern State University offers each and every one of their students a semi-private room, where you still have a roomate(s), but you don't necessarily sleep facing each other so to speak. The most importand thing to them is their housing acccomodations, because they want all of their students to feel safe, welcomed, and at home. It is what essentially makes us all a family.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
I will most likely tell them about the free things you get throughout the school year. Through the year, the school have many activities were you can get free stuff from, like t-shirts. If they want any MSU t-shirts, they would not have to go to the bookstore to get unless they just want to because you will come across so many oppurtunities to get free shirts. I barely bought any shirts from the bookstore but at the end of the year I came home with so many MSU shirts.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Midwestern State University is a great school that cares about its students, professors, the environment, academics, sports, and the importance of maintaining a social life.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
A person who just does not care if they acheive academically should not attend this school . When it comes to academic acheivement Stetson is known for making sure there students suceed. This is a also a small school that thrives with student activity, involvement and community so a person who does not want to be part of their school should not go there.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
Parking is a nightmare, especially for off-campus students. On-campus students have specific parking lots for their cars, but they still insist on taking up spaces specified for off-campus students. Sometimes this is because they don't want to walk to class, sometimes because they can't find a close enough space. Whatever the case, they take spaces that off-campus students need, because if they can't park then they can't go to class.
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Describe a day on campus you'll never forget.
A day on campus I would never forget is the day they brought a mechanical bull at the school as part of a fun day activity and people were getting on it and falling off. They had loads of fun and others had loads of laughs.
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What are the most popular classes offered?
The most popular classes offered are probably speech classes, online history, political science and appreciation of music
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
The school is an overall good school. It's not a very big school, so the classes aren't huge so if you ever need help from a professor you would be able to get one on one time with him or her convenient to your schedule. Most people out of Texas do not know the school that well, but the school is know very well in most Caribbean island. Midwestern State University is located in Wichita Falls where there is not much to do, but there are on campus activities that are very fun and would keep your interest. For example there are sometimes magicians, musical artists, movie nights, fun nights etc. The school is a division 2 school, but the sporting teams are extremely good and are probably the best in their conference. The games tend to be very intense and the teams have great winning records. One of the greatest I had at this school was homecoming football game. The game brought the whole school together and everyone was wearing the school colors proudly singing and cheering on the football team. Current students mostly complain about the lack of parking on campus, which is basically one of the biggest issues on campus, however the school is a great school. The tuition is affordable, the campus is beautiful with fairly new buildings and the courses are accredited.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
I decided to go to this school because it has a great engineering program that is ABET accredited. The tuition is affordable, and also I am from the Caribbean and the school has a great Caribbean recruitment program so I know fitting right in would not have been a problem and because of the recruitment of all other students from all over the world, fitting in should not be a problem for anyone.
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