If I could give advice to myself as a high school student I would tell myself to be skeptical of people as I venture out on my own. I would also tell myself to be more confident in myself and academic abilities and not let other people make me feel inferior to them because they came from larger high schools than me. I would also tell myself tohave a better attitude about doing track and field as a collegiate athlete and really enjoy the time I have to run and the memories made. The last, and most important thing I would tell myself is not to try and please anyone or worry about being judged by them. Do what you want and what makes you happy, no matter what.
I would tell myself to not worry or stress so much in high school because I am going to end up going to a community college, which is so much cheaper especially if I was undecided on what my major was going to be in High school! I would tell myself that what I am learning now in high school is only half of what I am going to be learning in college; therefore, shouldn't stress myself out so much on the hw because I am going to be learning it again as a review for most of my classes. I would also tell myself to maybe think about taking classes at my college as a senior in high school just so I can get a head start on my General Education and maybe even Major classes. Those are some of the pieces of advice I would give myself as a senior in high school, I probably wouldn't listen to them because I am stubborn and like to learn things my own way, but I would consider them.
I enter my bedroom to see myself hard at work on the 16th and final scholarship I applied for during my senior year. My face is contorted in an unattractive way, focusing on the blank Word document on my computer screen. I spin myself around in my computer chair and stare straight into my own eyes. "Calm down and breathe a moment," I say, "I know it can be stressful thinking about college, but everything will turn out all right. Your strong work ethic is to be admired, but sometimes perfection cannot be achieved. Always try your hardest, but don't be afraid to relax and do something you love. Get involved in college, but make sure you join at least one club you'll truly enjoy participating in. Be more outgoing and willing to make new friends. If you smile and have a positive attitude, things will surely work out for the best. Also, be eager to help others because one day they will probably return the favor. Hang out with people that have the same goals as you and surround yourself with positive influences. Keep your ultimate goal in mind, but don't be afraid to have fun."
Looking back on my senior year of high school, I can recall worrying over my future and how I would keep in touch with friends and family as I embarked on an unknown journey away from the ones who, up to that point, impacted my life the most. Now that I have experienced life after high school, I want to give my senior-in-high-school self some useful truths about college.
The first truth I would tell myself is to learn good study habits. The transition into college will be tough, classes won’t always be easy, and good study habits can be the difference between how successful you are in classes. I would tell myself that yes, leaving your family and friends will be hard, but the friends you make in college will become some of the closest people to you. Lastly, I would tell myself that it is not necessary to know exactly what you want to do with your life when you haven’t even been exposed to all the opportunities available yet. See what is out there and what you enjoy, because finding a career that you love is the most important part of college.
College is a transitional phase between adolesence and adulthood. The sooner you realize this, the better. It will require a lot of work, a lot of forward looking, and a lot of focus. But keep the end goal in mind. All the things you complain about in high school are nothing compared to the problems you will face in college. The struggle will be real. However, you can and WILL succeed. You have a very supportive family standing behind you, watching as you climb the mountain of success. But there is a reason success stands at the top of a mountain and not at the bottom of a hill. You will feel down, but you just have to pick your head up and look back to where you came from and turn and face the world. You will make new friends and lose old ones. The only thing that can hold you back is yourself. Do not be afraid to ask for help! There is always someone available to help, you just have ro reach out and reap the benefits. College is about discovering your true potential, now go out there and explore, pioneer, fail, and then succeed!
You didn't have to work hard in high school, and everyone you know has told you that you're going to have to put in a lot of effort to keep up in college. Well, I'm here to tell you that I've already made it to the end of my first semester, and you will have to crack open that Algebra textbook (The very same class you thought you knew so well Junior year) far more often than I feel comfortable telling the past me. Buckle down dude, your first semester will be a light one, but you can definitely handle a heavy course load if you apply yourself. I would know, we're doing the maximum allotted credit amount next semester. Brace yourself dude, you're going to have a lot of fun in college. And leave the Letterman Jacket at home, you'll thank me when you're my age!
My senior year I would have called myself "good at school." Notice I didn't say a good student. You see, in high school I could flip through my notes twice the night before a test and get an easy A. It came naturally and I didn't need to put forth much effort. I didn't become a good student until I got to college and was forced to learn to study. Honestly, I had no clue how to. I wish I had taken the time to go through the actual process of studying (even if I didn't need it). I would have found my first semester of college much less of a shock. Instead of being an excellent student at an average school, I had the brutal wakeup call of suddenly being average at an excellent school. I've found with working on campus transitioning high schoolers that it's the case with many, and sometimes realizing that truth is hard to handle. To all of you seniors out there: learn how to study and practice it often. Also, you're just as smart as you were in high school, just being measured against higher standards.
Do not stress. Your college experiance will be great. You'll have time, you just have to learn to spend it wisely.
If you're in your dorm doing homework and just can't figure it out, then take a break. If you have manage your time wisely then there will be time to finish it later. There is plenty of distractions around, and they can serve you well, as long as you don't get to caught up in them. Go ahead and go bowling on a Tuesday night, or golfing on a Wednesday afternoon. One important thing is to not skip out on your plans. Stick with what you decided to do that morning. Best way to do that is to make a list each morning of what you are going to accomplish that day, and be sure to do it!
In college you will make many friends, whether you try to or not. Just look around the dorm on your floor, or maybe hang out in the lounge. If you need help, ask. Everyone loves to help, and show that they understand themselves. College doesn't have to be hard if you don't want it to.
Do not be afraid to let go of high school. High school was amazing, with great teachers and the best group of friends that anyone could ask for, and it is extremely nerve wracking to think about having to leave this whole life behind in just a few short months. But, believe it or not, you will find a new group of friends that will quickly become your college family. No, you won't end up sitting alone in your dorm, as feared, but you will get to hang out with some truly amazing people every day. Sure, you will miss your old life at first, but moving on and starting anew will be much more beneficial to you as a person. You will finally be able to grow and figure out who you really want to be, free to discover the world for yourself. It is ok to move forth into a new chapter of life. Don't dwell on old memories; make room for new ones.
Get more scholarships and apply for a cheap school. The big schools are nice, but the cheaper, atleast for the first two years, the better.