In high school I was not very worried about my future and was not worried about college but if I could go back I would tell myself many things. Start saving money and work hard during the summer. Dont worry about friends so much and worry more about working because you will make lots of friends in college that are on the same path as you. Pick a college where you can focus on schooling and not the activities around it. Apply for lots of scholarships because working while in college is very distracting and can make you focus on other stuff that is not good for you. While in college soak it all in, all the crazy traditions and classes. Moving to Missouri from Arizona away from family is very scary but Missouri Science and Technology is the school of your dreams.
I didn't have the greatest study habbit in highschool, though I still did very well. My first few weeks in college kicked my butt. I would go back in time to tell myself to practice good study habits so I can excell to my fullest potential in college.
My college experience has been over halfway across the country from everything I have previously known and my family. Because of this, I have learned important life skills within my academic and social life that I otherwise would have not recieved if I had not been pushed out of my comfort zone and met a new "family" at college that could help me. They help me to understand the true meaning of family life, before them, all I knew was the stereotypical "mom, dad, kids" family life, but they taught me the struggles of being raised in a family that was not exactly experiencing the "American Dream". Not every domestic environment is what pop culture makes it out to be and through hearing of others struggles, I have been more prepared to face the future issues that may arise and have a more driven goal of helping families in those sorts of situations. I have learned that my "family" needs me as much as I need them and I wouldnt trade that experience for anything else. That "family" need is what drives me to do all that I can for myself and others.
Attending MS&T has been an eye-opening experience for me so far! I grew up in a rural area and attended a small school. My teachers and fellow students were great, but I was never exposed to a diverse cultural and ethnical population or given opportunities to learn a variety of different life views and perspectives. The faculty and students at MS&T have allowed me to experience all of that. The school is small enough that students and faculty can get to know each other much better than at a large college. By being involved in student government and study groups, I have been able to meet and learn from a diverse population, and that has been an awesome experience in itself. MS&T has also opened my eyes to the huge variety of opportunities out there for me as an engineering major. The school has exposed me to so many different occupations that I had no idea existed in that field. My advisors and professors have gotten to know my interests and dreams and have guided me tremendously towards my educational career so far. The value of my college experience at MS&Thas been unmeasurable!
I have learned to be on my own. There's no one there to do your laundry or take care of things. This has been valuable to me because it has helped me grow up. I've gone from z dependent child to an independent man is less than a year. Being on my own has made me realize what it is like to live on my own and know how to budget money.
It has and will sharpen my skills to make me more succesful
I am currently 28 years old and this is the second time around in college. The first time, I went straight out of high school and really did not know what I wanted to do with the rest of my working life. In result, I received a generic degree that really did not allow me entrance into too many places within the working field. I had also attended a private college that was quite expensive and found myself in debt without too many options in re-paying it.
My advice would be: if a student does not know what exactly they want to accomplish in school, attend a community college within state to keep costs down. Another method is to work your way up within a career. For example, I want to become a nurse, so I applied for a phlebotomist position within a hospital to observe what a nurse's duties were to see if they were a fit for me.
I am not in college yet. I am registered to begin in January of 2011. I will be enrolled in a 2 year college to earn an Associates Degree in Medical Billing and Coding. I have wanted to do this for a long time, but never had the funds for tuition. I just decided I will pursue my goal, even if I have to get a loan to do it. I will be the first person in 3 generations of my family to attend college for any length of time, and I am very excited about this, even though, I am 61 years of age. My chosen field will also allow me, in the future, to work from my home. Whatever scholarship funds I get will be very much appreciated.
Thus far, I have already gained a lot of real-world experience. Being out on my own for the first time away from my parents has taught me a lot about self-reliance and personal responsibility. It has also taught me the break down a lot of mental barriers built over the years in public schools in a predominantly affluent, causcasion-dominated area. There are so many smart, well-rounded individuals in all communities that never get the chance to develop their intellect and skills. That's one of the reasons I love the diverse study body at my school. I have already learned a lot from listening to ideas from others who came from different social environments from which I came. It's been very refreshing and very enlightening.
My college experience has made me a much more well-rounded individual; I am also much more confident. College has forced me to move outside my comfort zone, as well as to learn about subjects which I may otherwise never would have considered. Upon returning to college, I did not know myself well enough to know what I wanted to do with my life. I chose Psychology even though I knew that as a career, it may not be a good fit for me. I love Psychology, but knew that I was not equipped to deal with social work or counseling. However, through my study of Psychology, I found Health Psychology to be extremely interesting. It was this discovery which led me to pursue graduate education in Public Health. This fall, I will pursue my MPH in Health Policy at Saint Louis University School of Public Health.