Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Missouri University of Science and Technology know before they start?


Traveling back in time to advise myself as a high school senior, I would take great pains to express the true amount of physical and mental effort required for college, even as an upcoming freshman. I would advise myself to begin a rigorous research process for each possible department in my college of choice, and through this research discover which department will allow me to utilize my personal abilities in the most effective manner possible. In addition to this research, I would also advise myself to explore the social aspects of campus, touring extracurricular activities and meetings to find a location on campus where I can belong and enjoy myself.


If I were allowed to go back in time and give myself advice, I would tell myself to be more active in extra curricular activities. Academically, I am glad I chose the path I did, but I feel as though I missed out on a lot of social activities by not being very active on campus. In the real world, sometimes it does not matter how good you are academically, but what really matters is how you can relate to people. This is very true for the business world, since a professional has to , one way or the other, have good "people skills".


Dear Doris, Good college advice Hit those scholarship applications hard. It's painful to see how much money it costs to get a quality education. Yeah you will receive a few scholarships, but it won't be enough. Aside from the scholarships, keep those study habits alive. Those good habits you established have done wonders for me. I didn't have to adapt so much; I only had to build on to what I already did. You think your Senior Year is hard and stressful? High school is nothing compared to college, but I have two vital pieces of advice for you. 1) Don't sweat the small stuff. 2) Everything is small stuff. It's amazing how much this advice will carry you. Instead of worrying about failing that test, think of how much you'll learn from it. Learning is exciting and don't be afraid of it. Embrace the experience. Stay positive and life will be great. Make good friends because they'll help you through hard times and good times. Live with no regret. You don't need a burden like that to root you down while you fly. Have confidence and be free. Good Luck


I would tell myself to be prepared to do lots of studying and really develop the ability to better focus on homework assignments and projects since they are more difficult to complete in college. Some other advice would be to have formed study groups whenever I first started college. I join study groups a lot now that I am upperclassman, and I wished I would have started earlier because they are very helpful. One last thing, I would tel myself to be prepared to fail tests and classes, because at this school, failing really is inevitable at some point and every student here must learn how to overcome it and not be discouraged.


You are going to have to work much harder in college than you ever have here. Have fun, but don't make stupid choices. Be sure to go to the college you want to go to, and don't go to a college just to be close to some girl. Apply everywhere you can because even if you don't really want to go there, its nice to know that you would be accepted there. Be sure to give back to the community that you choose to go to because it always pays off to do something nice for others. You take your parents for granted - be sure to visit them as often as you can. Finally: keep up your grades, do well, and have fun. ( Just not at anyone else's expence)


College is an entirely different experience from high school - you are there because you choose to be there, not because you have to be there. You will be more focused, your interest in learning will increase, as will your desire to gain knowlege, and you will find the entire educational process more enjoyable. In addition, as you realize that college is all about YOU - your learning, your knowledge, your future, etc. - you will quickly overcome your fear of looking/sounding "stupid," and you will seek out the advice and expertise of your professors with more frequency, becoming more assertive, as your confidence in yourself and your abilities continues to grow.


Even though many people talk down at junior colleges, I first went to one before transfering to a four year university. I felt like it set me up to live on my own and to succeed at the four year university. Before I thought less of junior college and almost went straight to The University of Missouri-Rolla, but by first staying home and going to a junior college I saved money and won't come out of college with quite so many loans. I feel like it was a smart decision and back in high school I shouldn't have worried about it nearly as much.


I would not give myself any advice. College is still school, and it's not fun, but i still get my stuff done just as well and as easily as i did in highschool.


In college is on you to remeber all your asignments and work load so hone your organization skills now. Also its not important that you know what you want to do your first year there take a variety of classes to find out what you are really interested in then major in that.


I would tell myself to take school more seriously because it will really come in handy at MS&T. College is not about having a social life so tell your friends we'll have to make up for missed times during the breaks. I would also tell myself that it's going to be a long journey in becoming the doctor I've always wanted to be. Don't get discouraged, keep reminding yourself of the life you will have 12 years from now. And most importantly, I would tell myself to "NEVER give up on your dream."