If I could go back I and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would further push going to communtiy college first. From seeing what other underclass men/women go through I would highly recommend going to community college first. School charge an outrages amount for food/living which is what I was able to avoid. Truely, I would not change anything if I could go back. I'm proud of all my decisions that have lead me up to this point. As of advise, I would tell myself to spend even more time with family because I sure do miss them. Being homesick happens to about every college student
The most important part of the transition to college life lies in recognizing and adapting to changes. This can be change in your environment, social life, academic workload, or anything else that has become part of your daily routine. Failing to adapt to change may cause anxiety and stress, which will cause your grades to take a hit. For example, going from life in a spacious room to sharing a small dorm with a stranger is a significant change in environment, and this can make it difficult to get work done. Overcoming this may mean leaving the dorm room for several hours a day to work with study groups, or it may mean planning times to do assignments alone in your room while your roommate is in class. During my first semester of college, I found it hard to concentrate in my room, so I eventually adjusted my routine and began working in the library. College requires more studying than high school, so find a place you can work comfortably. There will be change, and it is vital that you embrace it and find ways to become comfortable with it.
I would tell my high school self to not forget the minor details of life. Especially in this generation of extreme fun and thrill seekers, we often travel the road of life for the next big rush. Everything we do, we are constantly seeking that adrnaline rush. Whether it is winning a championship or scoring the highest grade in class or being first chair in band, we are constantly searching for that one awesome experience. In doing so, we often overlook the small details in life that leads us to that point. We often rush to grab a burger or pizza instead of eating a healthy meal. We stay late into the middle of the night instead of getting a full night's rest. These bad habits eventually catches up to us in the end, and we find ourselves physically out of shape, and mentally drained because we neglected the minor details that will allow us to be sharper physically and mentally. Our young body is capable of such neglect, but like any living being, the neglect can only be tolerated to certain points. Take care of the little things in life, and they will take care of you back.
High School Self,
The most important key to succeeding in college, is make a goal orientated plan and stick with it. The best advice I ever received was “You can accomplish anything you set your mind too, with hard work and dedication anything is possible.”
Never give up! Always work hard, and try to understand everything with the best of your ability. High school is the easiest part of schooling and don’t take anything for granted, obtain all the information you can, create efficient study skills, and build intermediate work skills. Make sure you have a strong support system because they are your backbone for when you want to give up (Trust me, it gets HARD).
After getting settled into the college lifestyle don’t get caught up in the social aspect of making friends (that comes with joining organizations), get involved, build a support system, study hard and make lots of network connections with in your first years. College is the best years of your life, but only because you take everything you learn and apply it to the rest of your life. So have fun, but not too much fun!
If I could go back in time, I would say to forget the spring job and continue going to track to attempt for a scholarship for college. I would also say to focus more on achieving a 4.0 GPA, because it was definately possible. With those two things accomplished, the struggle to get financial aid and other scholarships may have been easier. Rather than putting down the book for the personal enjoyment of video games, focus on the book. If school work was taken a little more seriously in high school you could've also taken more college credit classes in order to be further ahead in your college career. Use sports and studying in order to further your chances for more financial aid to help you to be more successful in the future.
I would tell myself to take as many college credit classes as I could. I would say to do summer school and keep preparing for college study wise. I would force myself to fill out more scholarships, and try to be more involved in highschool to prepare me for more time management skills. I would ask myself what I really enjoyed doing and make sure that I could make a career out of it. Making sure that I am happy and enjoy what I do will make college and life much easier.
My High School self would spend hours thinking about what college would be like, anxious about what lied ahead of her. I would firstly ask her to calm down because Missouri S&T turned out to be much better than I had expected. I was anxious about my housing situation and whether or not I would be able to make friends. Fortunately, I immediately fell in love with the community I was placed in, becoming friends with the people on my floor pretty quickly.
I would also ask my High School self to start getting into the habit of doing things on time. In order to stay on top of all the work in college, you have to work regularly and diligently. College courses, especially engineering courses can take up a lot of time and its important to stay organized.
Another huge concern I used to have was becoming incredibly homesick. Although I do miss home, college has a lot of activity going on that keeps me busy and doesn't let me drown in my own tears. Joining a design team has kept me busy and is giving me a great experience. There's nothing to worry about!
If I could go back in time and give college advice to myself as a high school senior, I would advise one thing: stop worrying. I spent my senior year of high school in anxiety, stressing over fears of college - how difficult it would be to succeed academically, meet new friends, and live in a new place away from home. I can still remember my last week before I left for college; I felt extremely terrified, as if my life was about to end, and I was barely able to sleep. When I finally moved into my dormitory and my parents left, I was lost; I was alone in a foreign world without any friends. This negative attitude continued for several months; I barely spoke to anyone. However, as time progressed, I began to realize that college isn't so bad unless you make it that way. There was nothing keeping me from having a good experience except for myself and my high school opinions that accompanied me. I changed my attitude, and I became involved in extracurricular activities, making friends. So, to prevent the bad first impressions of college, I would advise my high school self to stop worrying.
I remember the first day of kindergarten like it was yesterday. I remeber thinking, "I'm READY", had my pencils, crayons, scissors, and mind by me. Then I walked through those exspansive metal doors to a world unknown, I wasn't ready! I saw hundrends of other boys and girls who like me, didnt know a single face there. Terrified is the only word that could describe my state of mind, and body. I quaked and slowly walked, and then tears began to flow down the slope of my innocent cheek... Fastforward to walking into my first lecture at University, and I can tell no difference. If I could give my senior, niave, self one word of advice it would be, "RELAX!". College is going to be walking into a world unknown, but that world wears a mask. Lift that mask, though, and the endless light of oppurtunity will blind you. Keep your chin up, because just like those first days kindergarten when you thought you weren't ready, you actually were.
That is simple; I would tell myself to find some way to get into a better high school. I grew up in small town Missouri practically an hour and a half away from any major city. Even though I took the hardest classes available in my school and graduated Valedictorian of my class, I was extremely ill-prepared. My school didn't even have a basic trigonometry or a full calculus class. It was a complete joke. I practically wasted 4 years of my life getting held back by my school system. My parents would have loved to have gotten me out of there if it would’ve been finically reachable. My first two semesters at Missouri S&T were horrible when it came to classwork. I spent nearly every week night with a tutor or study session with others. I have been playing extreme catch up my whole career at college. It has been a struggle but in the end it will be worth it, and I will do whatever I have to make it.