Missouri University of Science and Technology Top Questions

What should every freshman at Missouri University of Science and Technology know before they start?


As a high school senior I (like most kids at that age) thought I knew what was best for me when it came to education and just life in general. But, as I grew older it became obvious that was not accurate. Taking the advice from my peers and educators, from those who had already experienced what I was about to go thru could have changed my path. By having an open mind and allowing myself to listen I might have understood just how important and necessary it was to have a college degree. The most important advice I would give myself would be: Continue your education right out of high school. Do not allow yourself to take time off to persue other avenues this will only further delay and possible keep you from obtaining your degree.


I would go back and tell myself to not underestimate college. It will not be something I can breeze through like high school was. I would tell mysellf to put in as much work as i could, say that it will be hard and I won't like it but in the end it will all be worth it. Getting that degree and having a sucesful life. And I would also tell myself not to be afraid to go out and meet new people. That just because you make new friends doesn't mean you have to leave your old ones behind. So in summary I would say, get ready it won't be easy but you'll have fun along the way, don't get in to too much trouble and then it will all be worth it in the end. Don't have regrets.


I enjoy my senior and I did have fun. Study is important and I'm not regrat that I acutally got accepted by Missouri S&T.


As a high school counselor I would tell myself all the career options that coexist with my field choice and to make sure that the college I accepted to go to was the right choice for me. I would tell myself that there is more than just computer engineering that deals with computers. I wasn't aware of information science & technology and what it was until I googled it online one day being curious. It was exactly what I wanted to do with computers and it took me a long time to realize it and so I went to a college that didn't have a strong department which caused me to be behind in college courses. Being able to choose a major and college gets you ready for making big decisions that changes your life, which is a big step for most. Absorbing the information might be scary but you only know whats best for yourself and what your mind and heart tells you to do is what you should do. Weigh out your options and research everything about your school and your field department to make sure that school and major is right for you.


I remember feeling very nervous as I was about to entire college my freshman year. I was worried how I would compare academically to all of the students around me and was afraid that I would not be the best. Looking back, I would tell my high school senior self not to measure success purely on grades. It is important to have decent grades, but perfection is not necessary. There are many other important factors that will help you just as much or more to get into graduate school or land your first job. I would tell myself to get out of my comfort zone and volunteer for a project or join a club. Extracurricular activities will teach you valuable tools that you can not learn in a classroom. Do not be afraid to ask questions. If you do not understand, than it is more than likely someone else will not either. Lastly, I would tell myself to make lasting friendships and make sure to take time out for yourself every once and awhile. It is okay to relax and read that book or watch that movie.


My senior year I did not want to leave high school. I had my friends, my dance team, and was friends with all of my teachers. But sadly this meant that when I went to college, I was hesistant in meeting new people and finding a new study group. I was so set on hating my college that I didn't take full advantage of everyting I could have done my first semester. I made good grades, joined a sorority, but I didn't make the friends I had hoped to. I spent most of my time dwelling on the past and missing my friends. I would have told myself senior year to get over the past. You will be at college for four years or more, and getting off to a great start is really important to your happiness. Being really open to new people and experience is the best advice a high school senior could receive.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would first explain to myself that just because high school was easy I shouldn't be slacking off. I would tell myself to heed Mr. Oster's advise and take the ACT multiple times to maximize my score, and convince my stubborn self not to be content with a score of 28. Pursuade myself to look at the option of a 2 year college to prepare myself for a 4 year university. I would encourage myself to study for the math entrance exams, and the effect they have on a college career. Then explain how important a GPA really is. I would explain to myself just because I think I have it all figured out doesn't mean I do. That life is to unpredicable to figure out, to remind myself that, "The best-laid plans of mice and men / Go oft awry." I would tell him not to forget qualities he already possess. Like the drive to succeed in all he does and will do , the natural instinct of leadership, and compassion. The look of bewilderment on my face will be priceless.


dont be afraid to meet new people. do a lot more studying than you think you should. go to all the school functions you can, they make memories with your friends.


I would tell myself to just be open to everything. There are so many more experiences I could have had in my college career already if I had been accepting to new people and events. There is a lot that changes from high school to college, and in the beginning I wasn't so accepting of that change. Now that I have have been here almost two full years I am beginning to feel at home here and just generally welcome. I don't think it's the campus that has changed at all, it's just my general attitude about things happening around campus. Friends are important and easy to make, so they should never be shrugged off. In summary, just don't fight the change, because the change will happen whether you are accepting or not.


If given the opportunity to go back in time and give myself advice there would be one thing I would want to say. Being an honor roll student I wouldn?t need the reminder to work hard. And from being a student athlete as well, it showed me how to manage my time and work hard so that wouldn?t need to be mentioned either. What I would tell myself is to not stress out as much about the decisions I make. I would let me know that, because I?m confident and know what?s right, that wherever I decide to go and do will be a good choice. To not worry about what other people say because they don?t know you like you know yourself. In other words, to sum up what I?m saying is I would make sure I would know to trust and believe in myself.